Education Unit
Fall 2011
Demonstration Lesson 1
Topic: The structure and function of flowers
Grade level/s: 9th grade, Living Environment
Science or Math background material for the teacher:
Instructional Objectives:
- Students will be able to draw and label the parts of a flower.
- Students will be able to describe the structure and function of each part of a flower.
- Students will discover that flowers have different shapes that are related to the functions.
- Students will be able to list several different flowers and describe how their structures differ.
National Science Education Standards met by this lesson:
Materials: chalkboard, posters of flowers, textbook with diagram of flower
- motivation:
- advance organizer (if appropriate)
- Describe your procedure step by step
- State the goals of today's lesson and write the topic on the blackboard.
- draw a diagram of a typical half-flower and label all the parts
- have the students copy the diagram of the flower.
- Go through each part and describe it's structure and function
- Have students answer questions in their textbook on flower structure and function.
- Closure - Write the reading assignment on the board for homework.
Adapatations for students with disabilities:
Multicultural Connections:
Possible ways technology might be incorporated:
Assessment (How would you assess whether the students have accomplished the objectives?)
Extension activities: ________________________________________________________