          Boobies from the Galapagos


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Science Fun

Brian's Class Materials- FALL 2013 - SEYS 562


Due Date
- Week 15 - 12/5/2013

Possible Points - 30

How to Submit -
  • Use a word processor to type your review.  Make sure to save frequently and to always back up your work in different locations. Give your file a descriptive names, e.g. yourlastnameA1.doc.  Always make sure that your name, the date, the assignment number and course number are at the top of the page on your assignment.  
  • Copy and paste the text of your review into a message on the discussion board in BlackBoard.  This is what will be graded.  
  • After you have posted on the discussion board, submit backup copies in the following ways:
    • Copy and paste the text of your assignment into a Google document and share it with
    • Upload your Word document or equivalent using the Assignments link in BlackBoard.  Please do not submit pdf files.  
  • Keep electronic and paper copies for your records.
Instructions for Assignment 1

Locate a school in Queens or Long Island, preferably near Queens College.  You might want to find a school for your fieldwork that you could also use for student teaching.  Print Fieldwork form, (have the tear-off signed and return to instructor), observation logs (to be returned to instructor at end of semester).  You might want to scan copies of your signed observation logs also.  

You must observe 25 hours of classroom science teaching at the middle and high school levels.   You should submit three observation reports and reflective journal entries on the characteristics of the lessons you observe or teach, including a critique on how the science content, nature of science and unifying principles are presented

Scoring Guidelines -  Each report can receive a maximum score of 10 points for a total of 30 points.