Blue-footed Boobies
          from the Galapagos


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Science Fun

Brian's Class Materials- Spring 2014 - SEYS 362

SEYS 362 Home

Queens College/CUNY
Education Unit
Spring 2014

If you need help or have  questions, click here.

Today's Technology Tasks!

  1. Login to the old ScienceMOO as a guest.  Please use the Old ScienceMOO. ScienceMOO is an example of a  virtual learning environment.  Request a character if you don't have one already.
  2. Browse the Guided Tour to Science Education Starting Points on the Web
    1. Make sure to visit NSTA, NARST , AAAS , NAS , NASA
    2. New York City Board of Education
  3. Locate sources of lesson plans on the web .
  4. Do an ERIC search on a topic of interest.
  5. Check out
  7. Develop an idea for a science activity that uses data obtained from the web and post it on the discussion board in BlackBoard.  The sites below may help you to get started"
  8. Check out these useful technology tools: