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Brian's Class Materials- Spring 2014 - SEYS 562

Assignment 8

Assignment 8 - New York State Regents Exam in the area of certification

Due Date - 4/17/2014

Possible Points - 10

How to Submit -
  • Always make sure that your name, the date, the assignment number and course number are at the top of the page on your assignment. 
  • Hand in a paper copy of the graded test and answer booklet
  • Keep electronic and paper copies for your records.
Instructions for Assignment 8

All candidates in SEYS 362 and SEYS 562 are required to take a Science Regents exam in their area of certification.

Visit the following link and print out a Regents exam in the area of science in which you will be certified.  Take your exam using the answer sheet provided.   Make sure to answer all questions.  Grade your exam and put an X over each incorrect answer and write in the correct answers.  Exchange papers with a colleague and grade each other's answers to the constructed response questions. 


Visit the following link and save an exam as a pdf file.  Open the file in Adobe Reader.  Use the "highlight text" tool to indicate your choices for each answer.  If you have a question about an answer, you can add a "Sticky note".  Click on File, save as, in Adobe Reader and save your file as A8-YourName-SEYS362 or SEYS 562-Fall2013. 

Grade the multiple choice questions by using the "Add text" tool to place a check mark next to each correct answer.  Now exchange your pdf file with a colleague and grade the constructed response question.  You can use the "add text" tool to add your comments and score. 

Please note:  If you do not have Adobe Reader and can't annotate or write on pdf files, you can download a free program, Foxit Reader and mark up your pdf file.

Scoring Guidelines

Grade your exam and put an X over each incorrect answer and write in the correct answers.  Exchange papers with a colleague and grade each other's answers to the constructed response questions. During grading you can use science textbooks on resources on the Internet to find correct answers.

You must obtain a score of 80% or higher on the Science Regents exam in order to continue in the program.