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Spring 2014 - SEYS 562

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Queens College/CUNY
Education Unit
Spring 2014


Science Teaching Objectives Checklist Instructions: Place a check in the space provided if you are able to perform the objective without additional instruction, reading, or study.

A. Instructional foundations. I am able to

---- 1. Provide a definition of science which reflects current developments.

---- 2. Describe the meaning of scientific literacy.

---- 3. Provide a clear statement of my personal teaching philosophy.

---- 4. Identify and describe three different learning theories.

---- 5. Evaluate six different teaching strategies and execute each in a classroom environment.

---- 6. Distinguish between "product" and "process" teaching.

---- 7. Distinguish between facts, principles, and concepts in science.

---- 8. Identify and describe several source books for science teachers and science teaching. ---- 9. Identify and describe five high school science textbooks.

---- 10. Identify and apply a technique for textbook evaluation.

---- 11. Identify and apply a technique for assessing reading level of instructional materials.

---- 12. Design and equip a teaching laboratory for science instruction.

---- 13. Write clearly defined instructional objectives.

---- 14. Analyze objectives using "Bloom's Taxonomy."

---- 15. Prepare unit and daily teaching guides which reflect stated objectives.

---- 16. Prepare evaluation activities which reflect stated objectives.

---- 17. Prepare an inquiry instructional sequence.

---- 18. Identify and describe three standardized test instruments in my science area.

---- 19. Describe acceptable practices concerning testing and grading that reflect current emphasis on authentic/alternative assessment.

---- 20. Analyze test items using "Bloom's Taxonomy."

---- 21. Use mean, median, and standard deviation in test analysis.

---- 22. Perform an item analysis on a test.

---- 23. Describe acceptable techniques for classroom management.

---- 24. Describe acceptable homework practices.

---- 25. Organize and supervise field studies and field trips.

---- 26. Describe the usefulness of at least one classroom observation technique.

---- 27. Identify at least one instrument for student evaluation of course and instructor.

---- 28. Describe my legal responsibilities as a science teacher.

B. Instructional Techniques. I am able to describe and provide examples of the following:

---- 29. Programmed instruction

---- 30. Instructional contracts

---- 31. Instructional modules

---- 32. Audio-tutorial systems

---- 33. Invitations to inquiry

---- 34. Inquiry demonstrations

---- 35. Interactive videodisc

---- 36. Investigative laboratories

---- 37. Microcomputer based laboratories

---- 38. CD-ROM "Science Helper"

C. Curriculum Development

---- 39. SAPA

---- 40. ISCS

---- 41. IPS

---- 42. ESCP

---- 43. BSCS

---- 44. CHEMS

---- 45. PSSC

---- 46. OBIS

---- 47. Chem Com

---- 48. SAVI-SELPH

---- 49. FOSS

---- 50. CEPUP

---- 51. PLT

---- 52. Project Wild

---- 53. GEMS

---- 54. AIMS

---- 55. TIMS

D. Professional Organizations.

I am able to identify and describe a journal and service associated with the following organizations:

---- 56. American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)

---- 57. American Association of Physics Teachers (ASPT)

---- 58. American Chemical Society (ACS) ---- 59. National Association of Biology Teachers (NABT)

---- 60. National Association of Geology Teachers (NAGT)

---- 61. National Science Teachers Association (NSTA)

---- 62. National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST)

---- 63. Science Teachers Association of New York State (STANYS)

---- 64. School Science and Mathematics Association

E. Instructional media. I am able to operate

---- 65. An overhead projector.

---- 66. An 8mm film loop projector.

---- 67. A 16mm film sound projector.

---- 68. A 35mm slide projector.

---- 69. A 35mm filmstrip projector.

---- 70. An opaque projector.

---- 71. Compact disk player

---- 72. A cassette sound tape recorder.

---- 73. A videotape recorder and camera.

---- 74. I am able to identify five sources of audiovisual materials.

---- 75. I am familiar with hypermedia.

---- 76. Use an IBM-compatible computer for telecommunications

---- 77. Use a Macintosh computer for telecommunications

---- 78. Electronic mail on a mainframe computer

---- 79. Use electronic bulletin board systems (BBS)

---- 80. Use a browser such as Netscape to access the World Wide Web

F. Material Preparation I am able to

---- 81. Prepare visuals, using a microcomputer

---- 82. Prepare handouts, using desktop publishing

---- 83. Operate spirit master duplicator

---- 84. Prepare overhead transparencies from copy

G. Emergency procedures I am able to

---- 85. Care for eye injuries.

---- 86. Care for burns (heat, acid, and alkali).

---- 87. Care for cuts and wounds.

---- 88. Stop severe bleeding.

---- 89. Administer artificial respiration (CPR)

---- 90. Care for shock and fainting.

---- 91. Extinguish fires of various types.

---- 92. Identify a source of laboratory safety regulations.