Secondary Education & Youth Services (SEYS)


Student-Teaching Expectations




1)      You are in the school building for 6 periods a day, 5 days a week.

(If your school has block schedules and the class you are teaching meets fewer than five days a week this may be adjusted with approval of the school and the QC Program Advisor).


2)      You teach two classes for two periods a day, five days a week.


You are responsible for planning instruction subject to the supervision and expectations of your cooperating teacher.  You may have to submit lessons a week in advance, and revise them, and do the same with projects and assessments such as essays, exams or documents.  You may begin by observing and you can co-teach with your cooperating teacher, too.


3)      You spend the other four periods engaged in teacher and training activities. You may observe other teachers, observe your cooperating teacher, follow a student to other classes, prepare lessons, respond to student work, assist in the department of the library, tutor students, and meet to plan or debrief with your Cooperating Teacher or your Queens College Field Supervisor.


4)      Any absences are reported to your Cooperating Teacher and/or AP and the QC Field Supervisor.  For example, if you are sick or have a family emergency, we want to know.


5)      Student teaching lasts for the entire QC semester.  If QC is on break but your assigned school is open, please report to your school unless you make advanced arrangements cleared with your school and your QC Field Supervisor and/or QC Program Advisor.  Student teaching begins when QC classes start, and ends when QC classes end.  There is no student teaching during finals week.