LESSON PLAN Title: Who done it? A
criminal investigation using indicator tests. Topic: Indictor
testing for the presence of protein, carbohydrates, and lipids. Grade Level: Living Environment Time: 80 minute double period.
period- lecture
period- lab Science background
material for the teacher: All living
things contain organic macromolecules: lipids, proteins, carbohydrates, and
nucleic acids. Each of these macromolecules
contain building blocks:
Testing for macromolecules:
Indicator: a
substance that undergoes a distinct observable change when condition in its
solution change. It indicates the
presence or absence of a particular substance. Objectives: At
the end of this lesson students will be able to: National Science
Education Standards: New York State Living
Environment Core Curriculum Standards: 2.2a Development of a research plan involves
researching background information and
the major concepts in the area being investigated. Recommendations for methodologies, use of
technologies, proper equipment, and safety precautions should also be included. 1.2hMany organic and inorganic
substances dissolved in cells allow necessary chemical reactions to take place in order
to maintain life. Large organic food molecules such as proteins and starches must
initially be broken down (digested to amino acids and simple sugars
respectively), in order to enter cells. Once nutrients enter a cell, the cell
will use them
as building blocks in the synthesis of compounds necessary for life. Materials: 40 1mL pipettes 40 medium test tubes Lugol’s iodine solution Buiret’s solution 1-package brown paper towels 500mL yogurt/water solution 500 mL milk/water solution 500 mL blended meat/water solution 500 mL corn starch/water solution 500 mL bread/water solution Vegetable oil Water (to act as control) Computer (for teacher) Projector/Smart Board (for
teacher) Who Done it? Video Indicator solution Video Power point Motivation: Bring in various food
products. Have the students identify
what macromolecule the food is made of.
Apple- carbohydrates. Milk-
protein. Yogurt- protein. Bread- carbohydrates. Oil- lipids Do Now:
Think, Pair, Share: What do you think an indicator is? Indicator: a substance that undergoes a
distinct observable change when condition in its solution change. It indicates the presence or absence of a
particular substance. Procedure: Adaptations
for students with disabilities: The lab area will be easily accessible
for students with physical disabilities.
This includes setting up the stations in a manner that the students can
easily and safely rotate around. The use
of a murder mystery in the beginning of the lesson will keep the attention of
students with a general learning disability.
Laptops and headphones will be made available for students that need to
watch the videos at their own pace or re-watch the video to understand the
material. Multicultural
Throughout out our discussion on macromolecules and different food groups the
teacher can encourage students to share foods from back home that we may not
have here and its food group. Technology
Incorporation: The teacher
will use the projector and a saved movie to motivate the students. The teacher can also use the Smart Document
Camera to display student work when going over the worksheet. Assessment: Students will be assessed based on
the completion of their work in the lab and the worksheet they hand in will be
graded. They will also be given homework
to complete on building blocks, macromolecules, and indicator testing. |