Engineering I Project- 2nd and 3rd Quarter  

KELVIN Creative Crane Competition (lead up to full scale catapult build)

crane1crane imageCrane foot print
Design Problem
In two groups of three and one group of four:

Build and test a lightweight crane that lifts a variable load (P) from a structure with a minimum vertical height (V) of 18 inches with a minimum horizontal (H) clearance distance of 9 inches from the edge of the tower or footprint of the crane.  The crane stucture may encroach on a 45 degree angle from the lifting point.  

The crane must lift a load a minimum of 6 inches to qualify.  The crane that lifts the greatest load and meets the portfolio and interview requirements showing proper application of the concepts introduced will be deemed th best design.

      1. Reflect as an individual on what you learned about engineering design and yourself by having this experience
      2. Reflect as a group on how you could have improved your design and process- What would you do differently if you had the opportunity to do it all over?

Materials Available
Weights and Counter Weights
Structural Testing Criteria (Laboratory Experiments and Testing Required)
Suggestion: Organize your team and assign roles to focus on an area (Each person should become a specialist in that area) Aesthetic  Criteria

 Design, Testing, and Assessment
Work Expectations
Progress Check #1-
Creating Team Roles and
Initial Thoughts
Assignment #2-
Member Strength

Progress Check #3-
Motor Capabilities with
Designed Lifting System
Progress Check #4-
Re-design Phase
Progress Check #5-
Portfolio Review
FYI- Hints/Warnings/ Suggestions

Reference Websites and Programs