Academic Senate

Elections Committee
Academic Senate, Queens College

1. Duties:

a) To establish procedures and supervise the election of the Academic Senate and Faculty Student Disciplinary Committee, subject to approval by the Academic Senate. b) To present to the Academic Senate for approval and/or amendment, not later than the regular February meeting, a procedure for conducting elections and a schedule including the nominating and balloting periods. c) To establish procedures for and supervise Academic Senate referenda, subject to approval by the Academic Senate.

d) Upon request and with appropriate compensation, to administer the elections and/or referenda of the Day, Evening, and Graduate student governments. Procedures for conducting such elections shall be established in cooperation with the respective governments.

*2. Membership: eight voting, one nonvoting

a) Ex officio nonvoting: Dean of Students Chair person: Leonard Rodberg

* No member of the Elections Committee may run for an election that is under Committee supervision. No one who is currently campaign manager, student government president or vice-president or has held one of those titles within the prior two years from the record date of the next election may serve as a member of the Elections Committee.

N.B. See Standing Rule IV of the By Laws (Administration of Elections)