START Conference Manager |
(Submission #3)
How do places, with their history, traditions, myths, customs, tensions, social structures, and physical form, interact with people’s lives? This course uses literature to deepen our understanding of the rich, complex, and varied engagement between human beings and the places they inhabit and imagine. Specific sections will focus on a particular city, neighborhood, or region or on a topic such as City and Country, Women and the Black Diaspora, Utopia, the Literature of the Sea, Elizabethan London, the American West, Colonies, Imaginary Places, Homelessness, or Outer Space. Readings may include fiction, drama, poetry, life writing, and nonfiction.
Area of Knowledge and Inquiry: Reading Literature (RL) Context of Experience: Not Applicable Extended Requirement: Not Applicable
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: English 110 Existing Course: New Existing Course Number: Course Anticipated to be offered: Every Semester Other (if specified): Number of Sections: 4 Number of Seats: 25
[Justification, Materials, Assessment, and Administration (DOC)] [Sample Syllabus (PDF)]
START Conference Manager (V2.54.6)