START Conference Manager    

Selected GEAC-QC Submissions

Submission #151:  GEOL 011: Meteorology
Department Contacts:  Chuixiang Yi (
  Area of Knowledge and Inquiry:  Natural Science (NS)
  Context of Experience:  Not Applicable
  [Abstract]    [Justification, Materials, Assessment, Administration (PDF)]   [Syllabus/Syllabi (PDF)]  

Minutes of GEAC Meeting

07 April 2010


A. Li, J. Lidov, F. Peterman, L. Pozzan, A. Reichl, J. Summerfield, C. Vickery, C. Winks (for L. Cook, on sabbatical), Christa Acampora (Hunter College)

Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 12:25 in Razran 318. Minutes of meeting on March 3, 2010 were approved. Agenda for the meeting was approved.

Submissions Tabled:

Revised Submissions Approved:

New Submissions Approved:

Submissions Pending Revisions (Liaison):

Other Business

·         The committee discussed the current UCC proposal that Context of Experience be detached from the Area of Knowledge requirement. The committee’s understanding is that future proposals for courses that only satisfy Context of Experience will not be submitted to GEAC and that GEAC will be solely responsible for courses satisfy an Area of Knowledge.


* C. Vickery met and discussed the necessary revisions with the authors of the proposals. The committee is waiting for the revised proposals to be submitted.

**The committee agrees that the proposal should be more explicit about how ‘data and evidence are construed and knowledge acquired’ in the specific discipline.

***The committee agrees that the syllabus should explicitly position the course in the Liberal Arts and Sciences and state how the course satisfies the PLAS requirements. The committee also discussed whether high school algebra is an appropriate prerequisite for PLAS courses.


The meeting was adjourned at 1:35 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

L. Pozzan, Recording Secretary