START Conference Manager |
Present: Kevin Birth, Eva Fernandez, Andrea Li, Joel Lidov , Jeff Maskovsky , Barbara Simerka, Chris Vickery
Absent: Lewis Cook
1. Approval of the agenda
2. Approval of minutes of April 2 meeting
3. Progress report:
Discussion of PLAS targets: how many courses/seats needed per semester for each Area of Knowledge and for each COE (content of exp). Committee observed that only one course has addressed European Traditions COE. While many of the Lit and Social Sciences courses include some consideration of Europe, the strict separation of COE into American/ European/ World does not reflect current curricular practices in academia as a whole nor in most of the relevant QC depts. Global approaches are far more common. In addition, even faculty whose courses have a strong American or European component may be reluctant to label the course as "American" or "European" because such a categorization violates the comparative methodology used. Committee asked the liaison Joel Lidov to report this back to UCC for discussion /possible action.
4. English 165W – approved with no revisions: Reading Literature
5. Report on revised proposals
6. New proposals
Comparative Literature 101W and Comparative Literature 102: Minor revisions needed
Biology 11: Minor revisions needed
Geology 101: Approved with no revisions
Music 008: Discussion postponed till Sept meeting
7. The Summer—reviews will continue to be assigned as complete submissions come in, but no meetings until September 3.
8. Meeting adjourned at 1:35
START Conference Manager (V2.54.6)