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HNRS 226: Shaping the Future of New York City

Ross Wheeler

(Submission #132)

Course Description

The purpose of Seminar 4 is to analyze the ongoing interplay of social, economic, and political forces that shape the physical form and social dynamics of New York City. University Scholars study certain important historical moments in the formulation of social policy, such as the fiscal crisis of the 1970s, welfare reform, and the formation of the Health and Hospitals Corporation. The seminar addresses major events in the creation of public space, such as the implementation of the Grid Plan, the redevelopment of Times Square, the creation of Central Park, and the construction of the World Trade Center and Battery Park City. By studying the institutional agents of change in the city — federal, state, and city government, public authorities, private sector interests, community boards, and community-based organizations — students come to appreciate the roles people take or are given in the process of government and the ways in which these roles are affected by patterns of inequality and power. Seminar 4 also considers New York City in the larger context of the region, the nation, and the world. Throughout the semester, students engage in a team research project on a current planning or policy issue to understand where the city is going, who will make the decisions, and how fair the outcome is likely to be.


Area of Knowledge and Inquiry: Analyzing Social Structures (SS)
Context of Experience: United States (US)
Extended Requirement: Not Applicable

Additional Course information

Credits: 3
Prerequisites: Acceptance to MHC
Existing Course: Existing
Existing Course Number: HNRS 226
Course Anticipated to be offered: Every Spring
Other (if specified): 
Number of Sections: 2
Number of Seats: 20


[Justification, Materials, Assessment, Administration (PDF)]   [Syllabus/Syllabi (PDF)]  

START Conference Manager (V2.56.8 - Rev. 1261)