Tenth International Research Conference
Program in Latin American Studies, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey, 1999

Migration, Borders and Displacement: The Jewish Diaspora in Latina America

Agosín, Marjorie
. Always from Somewhere Else: A Meditation on Writing and the Diasporic Experience.

Avni, Haim. The Tyrant and the Jews: Trujillo, sosua and the AJDC (American Joint Distribution Committee).

Backal, Alicia Gojman de. Ashkenazitas y Sefaraditas en México: Reacciones ante el antisemitismo.

Baker, Zachary M. Art Patronage and Philistinism in Argentina: The Fate of Maurycy Minkowski (1881-1930.

Bines, Rosana Kohl. Belated Babel: Jewish Tales of Linguistic Dispersion in the Context of Post-Holocaust and Postmodern Discourses.

Brody, Jeanne. The Diaspora of the Jews from Morocco in Mexico City: A Case Study.

Decol, René D. Brazilian Jews: A Disappearing Minority?

Fridman, Viviana. El problema de la memoria en la construcción de una identidad minoritaria en la novela judía-argentina contemporánea.

Gil, Lydia M. To Unmask a Criminal: The Question of Identity in Ricardo Feierstein’s Mestizo.

Glickman, Nora. Max Aub’s Diario as a Complement to His Poetry in Imposible Sinaí.

Goldberg, Paul. The Literary Representation of the Jewish Experience in the Andean Region.

Gordenstein, Roberta. The Chilean Jewish Voice of Marjorie Agosín.

Gutfreind, Ieda. Ethnic Memorialists: The Guardians of Memory. Case Study: Rio Grande do Sul.

Herman, Susan. Beyond Doris Sommer: the Metonymy between Blacks and Jews in Jorge Isaacs’ María.

Igel, Regina. The unpublished Diary of a Young Jewish Teacher in Brazil.

Kirk, Pamela. Traces of a Converso Culture in Early Works of Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz.

Kosminsky, Ethel Volfzon. Memórias da infancia: As filhas de imigrantes judeus no Brasil.

Krebs, Déborah Taísa. O papel da mulher judía na manutenca~o da identidade coletiva durante a imigraça~o para o Brasil (1930-1945).

Kurlat Ares, Silvia G. La voz de la familia: la subversión de la genealogía cultural.

Liwerant, Judit Bokser. De fronteras y encuentros, La comunidad judía de Mexico frente a nuevos desafios.

Messing, Jacqueline. The Crypto-Jewish Indian Community in Puebla.

Muñiz-Huberman, Angelina. Exilio y memoria en la literatura judeolatinoamericana.

Orum, Thomas T. Women of the Open Door: Jews in the Belle-Epoque Amazonian Demimonde, 1890-1920.

Perelmuter, Rosa. From Havana to the Hub: Two Cuban-Jewish Responses to the Exile.

Peuss, Ori. Cultures as Factors in Brazil’s Relations with Its Spanish-Speaking Neighbors.

Pollack, Beth. On Becoming Argentine: Tales of Immigration, Acculturation and Transformation by Ana María Shua and Manuela Fingueret.

Ramagem, Sonia Bloomfield. The Jewish Community of Brasília.

Schenkolewski, Silvia Kroll. Los judíos comunistas de Argentina: de grupo idiomático a la emigración a Birobidjan (1920-1937).

Sefami, Jacobo. Gloria Gervitz y los libros del recuerdo, en los aires de las migraciones.

Schneider, Judith Morganroth. Renegotiating Boundaries: Genealogy, Geography and Gender in Rosa Nissán’s Las tierras prometidas.

Spitzer, Leo. Rootless Nostalgia: Vienna in La Paz / La Paz in Elsewhere.

Utgaard, Claire Villalpando. The Construction of Adolf Eichmann and Argentine National Identity: The Role of the Argentine Jewish Community.

Vieira, Nelson H. Continuity and Discontinuity of the Cultural Self: Literary Expressions of Being Old and Jewish in Brazil.

Wainer, Andrew S. The Voice of the Argentine Jewish Community at Two Modern Historical Moments: Los gauchos judíos and La gesta del marrano.

Zadoff, Efraim. La modelación de la identidad nacional y social judía en Argentina y México en la interacción con la sociedad civil, y la escuela judía.

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