Queens College
Division of Education
Secondary Education and Youth Services

Science Education Program

SEYS 777 Research Seminar in Science Education (I)    

Wednesday - 7:10pm to 9:40pm

Location: Powdermaker Hall 020

Dr. Brian Murfin


Order of Presentations                     

TEAM 1- Nov. 7 - Discussion of Experimental, Quasi-Experimental and Single Subject Designs – Chap. 13

TEAM 2 – Nov. 7 - Discussion of  Qualitative Research Methods: Ethnographic and Historical and Case Study Research  Chap. 10

TEAM 3 – Nov 7 -  Survey Research – Chap. 11

TEAM 4 – Nov. 14 - Non-experimental Quantitative Research , Chap. 12

TEAM 5 – Nov. 14 -  Discussion of Action Research and Evaluation Research  - Chap. 15.

TEAM 6 – Nov 14 -  Discussion of  Statistical Concepts and Procedures  ( See Appendix, pp. 331-349)

Team 1:  Due date 11/7/07 -   Discussion of Experimental, Quasi-Experimental and Single Subject Designs – Chap. 13

This team will be responsible for presenting a discussion on all aspects of the sections that are listed below.  To help organize the seminar, I have assigned individuals to be in charge of one or more topics, although everyone in the group may and should participate in the on-going discussion, adding comments when appropriate.

Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Research

1.  (a) Present an overview of experimental research, Chap. 13.  What is experimental research?  Include definitions and descriptions.  What types of hypotheses and questions do experimental research designs address and what are some research problem areas in which experimental research would be the preferred model to use?  Review steps for organizing an experimental research plan.  Provide some of your own examples of the kinds of questions these types of studies address. Then, present a similar overview of quasi-experimental research.

1 (b) -  What are internal and external validity? How do they apply to experimental and quasi-experimental research?   What research designs are most frequently used in experimental research?   What research designs are more frequently used in quasi-exp. research?  Why?   Provide  one or two of your own examples of studies that might use either research design.  What is a single-subject design?  Illustrate and explain various experimental and quasi-experimental designs using standard experimental design notation.

1 (c) – Present and discuss the Shimazu study, “Language Course Taught with Online Supplement Material: Is It Effective?”  Review responses to questions 1-11 in Exercise 13.2  What did you find to be the strengths of this study?  What were its weaknesses?

Mixed-Methods Research Designs

1 (d)   –  Present an overview of mixed-methods  research, Chap. 14.  Include definitions of terms and appropriate descriptions. What types of hypotheses and questions do mixed –methods research address? Explain conditions that would lead the researcher to use multiple methods to analyze data  rather than emply one approach?   Provide some of your own examples of the kinds of questions these types of studies address.

1 (e) – Present and discuss the Mitchell, et al study, “Friendship and Choosing Groupmates: Preferences for Teacher-Selected vs. Student-Selected Groupings in High School Science Classes”.  Review responses to questions 1-6 in Expercise 14.1.  What were the strengths of this study?  What were its weaknesses?

TEAM 2:    DUE  DATE  11/7/07  Discussion of  Qualitative Research Methods:
Ethnographic and Historical and Case Study Research  Chap. 10

2 (a) Your group is responsible for presenting a discussion on all aspects of the sections that are listed below.   To help organize the seminar, I have assigned individuals to be in charge of one or more topics, although everyone may and should comment on the ongoing discussion:

2 (b)  - Overview of Ethnographic Research  What kinds of  questions/problems are addressed through ethnographic research?  What types of methods of research are commonly used in this kind of research?  Define and describe "List of Important Terms" as terms apply to ethnographic research.. What are some of the reasons teachers have for conducting ethnographic research?   What are some of the innate strengths of this kind of research?   Some inherent weaknesses? 

2 (c) -  Present and discuss the Myers study – “How Elementary School Counselors can Meet the Needs of Students with Disabilities”;  address points covered in Exercise 10.1.  What was the value in doing this particular study?

2 (d)  - The Nature of Historical Research:  What kinds of  questions/problems are addressed through historical research?  What types of methods of research are commonly used? What kinds of questions do researchers using historical research try to answer?  What are some of the strengths of this kind of study? What are some of its weaknesses?

2 (e)  – Present and discuss the Berlin and Lee study, “Integrating Science and Mathematics Education: Historical Analysis:   Specifically relate the scope of this study to the way it is organized and conducted.  What were its conclusions?    What were the study’s strengths?    What questions remained unanswered?

Case Study:

2 (f)  - (See me for a copy of this study).  “What Happens During H.S. Chemistry Lab
 Sessions?” Discuss in detail what the sections of the study were.  (Purpose, Method,
 Findings). Discuss the results in terms of what a case study does that other types of research
 mostly quantitative) do NOT do.

2 (g)  - Describe the case study.  (Chem Lab study) Why is this a case study and a descriptive
study? Explain the data collection process.  What was observed?  Why were these variables
chosen?  How was the data actually collected and tabulated?  Was there a hypothesis?

TEAM 3:   Due date: 11/7/07 and 11/14/07 Survey Research – Chap. 11 and

TEAM 4: Non-experimental Quantitative Research , Chap. 12

Your teams will be responsible for presenting a discussion on all aspects of the sections that are listed below.  To help organize the seminar, I have assigned individuals to be in charge of one or more topics, although everyone may and should participate in the ongoing discussion.

3 (a) –Chap. 11 - Review of survey  research.  Include definitions and descriptions. What types of
                   hypotheses and questions does survey research try to answer? What considerations must be
                   taken into account?  Describe the research process involved.  What are some strength and
                   concerns related to this mode of research?  Provide some examples of the kinds of questions
                   this type of study  addresses.

3 (b) –  Review and critique:  “An Analysis of Secondary School Principals’ Perceptions of
                  Multicultural Education”  Provide an overall description of this study – Purpose , findings,
                  strengths and weaknesses.  Refer to the  “List of Important Terms” to identify features of the

4 (a) – Chap. 12 – Nonexperimental Quantitative Research
 Review of correlational research. Include definitions and descriptions.   What types of hypotheses and questions do each of these try to answer? What is meant by post  hoc fallacy?  Provide some of your own examples of the kinds of topics/questions these types of
               studies could address. 

4 (b) - Correlational Research Design  - How is a correlational study designed? What are the sources                  of data and how are they collected?  Specifically, what is interval data, dichotomous data, and
                rank order or ordinal data?   Give examples of each type of data.

4 (c)  - What are the names of the correlation coefficients that measure different kinds of data?  Provide
               some of your own examples of the types of data that can be compared with different types of
               correlational tests.  Briefly describe the purpose of the following correlations:   Product-Moment,
               Biserial and Point-Biserial, Phi Correlation and Tetrachoric Correlation Correlations from
               rankings. Multivariate correlations, partial correlation, multiple regression, discriminant analysis,
               factor analysis

4 (d) - What are some examples of some published studies using correlational analysis? p. 252
                 Describe the nature of causal-comparative research p. 261
4 (e) – Describe and critique the Punyanunt-Carter et al study, “Communication Based Emotional
                  Support differences between Professors and Teaching Assistants” p. 264  Respond to questions
                  1-6 in Exercise 12.7

Team 5:  Due Date:  11/14/07 - Discussion of Action Research and Evaluation Research  - Chap. 15.

This team will be responsible for presenting a discussion on all aspects of the sections that are listed below.  To help organize the seminar, I have assigned individuals to be in charge of one or more topics, although everyone in the group may and should participate in the on-going discussion, adding comments when appropriate.

5 (a)  – Present an overview of action research described in Chap. 15.  What is action research?  Include definitions and descriptions. What types of hypotheses and questions does action research try to answer?  What are some research problem areas in which a.r. would be the preferred model to use?  Review steps for organizing an a.r. plan.  Provide some of your own examples of the kinds of questions these types of studies address (see exercise 13.3;  how could an evaluation study be done to evaluate the a.r. you design?

5 (b) – Present and discuss the Alsup et al  study, “A Comparison of Traditional and Reform Mathematics Curricula …”.  What was the study’s purpose, theoretical basis, methods, participants, data collection, analysis, results, conclusions, implications?  What did you find to be the strengths of this study?  What were its weaknesses?

5 (c) – Present an overview of evaluation research described in Chap. 15.  What is evaluation research?  How does it differ from action research?  Include definitions and descriptions.  What types of hypotheses and questions are addressed in evaluation research?  Review section on organizing for evaluation research.  Provide examples of situations in educational settings in which evaluation research would be conducted.  Include a follow-up to the Alsup action research study in terms of an evaluation study that could be designed to evaluated the efficacy of the action research.    Contrast and compare action research with evaluation research.  Create two hypothetical studies that would illustrate these points.

5 (d) – Present and discuss the Hayes study, “Assessment of a Field-Based Teacher Education Program: Implications for Practice”. Discuss purpose, methodology, including sampling, measurement instruments and data collected, results and discussion. Respond to questions 1-3 in Expercise 15.3. What questions were left for future investigation?  What were the strengths of this study?  What were some of its limitations?

Team 6:  DUE DATE  11/14/07   Discussion of  Statistical Concepts and Procedures  ( See Appendix, pp. 331-349)

Your will be responsible for presenting a discussion on all aspects of the sections that are listed below.

6 (a)  Nature and Uses of Statistics;   include discussion on populations, samples, nature of parametric and non-parametric statistics,  examples of calculation and interpretation of descriptive statistics using measures of central tendency, variability, relative position, and relationships.

6 (b) Descriptive Statistics and Normal Probability Curve – Discuss the characteristics of a normal curve, and relative standings associated with the normal probability curve, including percentile rankings, stanines, z scores, T scores.  Do Exercise A.2 on an overhead or on handouts.

6 (c) Calculation and Interpreting Inferential Statistics – Give an overview of what is meant by inferential statistics.  What is it intended to do?   What kinds of studies use inferential statistics?
What is Chi-square? What is the standard error and confidence limit?  If time permits, work through example of correlation coefficient Table A.6 and address significance issue.

6 (d ) Testing for Significance – What does it mean to “test for significance?”   Give an overview of significance and its relation to points on the normal probability curve.  What types of errors can be made in using tests of significance?  Why?  Review statistical terminology.