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Science Fun

Brian's Class Materials- Fall 2009 - SEYS 753


Participation is an important part of your grade in this course.  In addition to the six required assignments we will engaging in many other activities during class.  Here are some examples of in-class activities that will take place during class:
  • Class discussions both face to face and online
  • Webquests and other Internet learning activities
  • Demonstrations of new software applications or techniques
  • Demonstrations of how to make a web site, blog, video, and podcast
  • Small group activities both face to face and online
  • Use of collaborative virtual learning environments in small groups and as a class
  • Use of course management systems such as Moodle and BlackBoard as a class and in small groups
  • Hardware and software dissection
As you can see many of the activities we will be doing in class could be very useful to you in the successful completion of your assignments.  Thsi class is an opportunity for you to immerse yourself in the world of science and technology and hopefully identify those technology tools that will be most useful to you in your teaching.