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Brian's Class Materials- FALL 2010 - SEYS 562

Assignment 5

Assignment 5Safety exam completed

Due Date - 11/18/2010

Possible Points - 20

How to Submit - Go to the following link, Science Safety Quiz, sign in, and take the test until you have scored at least 80%.  Make sure to print out a copy of your successful score and to save an electronic copy also. You might want to print or save copies of the questions for reference.  

Instructions for Assignment 5

The Safety exam questions for this course were developed using open source software named Science Moodle.  This is a free web-based course management system.  An account has been created for you to access the exams.  Your username and password will be sent to your gmail account. The first time you login, you will be required to change your password.

The science safety exam is located at the following link:

Science Safety Quiz

You need to score 80% or higher.  You can retake the quiz as many times as you want and there is no penalty for guessing.  You can use resources from the library and the web.  

Scoring Guidelines A score of 80% or higher on the safety exam in your subject area  is needed to pass this course.  20 points maximum