Blue-footed Boobies from the Galapagos


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Science Fun

Brian's Class Materials- SPRING 2011 - SEYS 767.3

Assignment 2

Assignment 2Online science learning activity

Due Date - 3/3/2011

Possible Points - 10

How to Submit -
  • Always make sure that your name, the date, the assignment number and course number are at the top of your assignment.  
  • Copy and paste the following information on your online science learning activity into a posting on the discussion board in BlackBoard:
    • What skills or knowledge will the students learn?
    • Source of the activity (Original, or cite the source of the activity)
    • the URL of your online science learning activity
    • Include your name and the Assignment number in the subject heading of your post.
  • Copy and paste the text of your assignment into a Google document and share it with
  • Upload your Word document or equivalent using the Assignments in BlackBoard.  Please do not submit pdf files.  
  • Keep electronic and paper copies for your records.
Instructions for Assignment 2

Your task is to include an online, interactive science activity related to a topic in your online science course.  For example, you might design an activity that utilizes an interactive periodic table, or a physics simulation, or a virtual frog dissection.  You need to include a link to the activity in Moodle and from your Google web site, along with any instructions needed by the students to complete the activity.  Make sure that the activity can stand on its own and that enough information is provided to the students. 

Scoring Guidelines
  • URL's  to Moodle and to Google website (2)
  • Description of skills and knowledge students will learn (2)
  • Activity leads to learning (2)
  • Adequate instructions provided for the students (2)
  • Sources cited (1)
  • Usability (1)