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Brian's Class Materials- SPRING 2013 - SEYS 382

Assignment 5

Assignment 5 – Digital Portfolio

Due Date - 5/16/2013

Possible Points - 10

How to Submit -
  • Copy and paste the url of your digital portfolio in a post on the discussion board in BlackBoard
  • Always make sure that your name, the date, the assignment number and course number are at the top of the page on your assignment. 
  • Copy and paste the text of your assignment into a Google document and share it with
  • Upload your Word document or equivalent in the Assignments in BlackBoard.  Please do not submit pdf files. 
  • Keep electronic and paper copies for your records.
Instructions for Assignment 5
  1. This is an individual assignment. 
  2. Select representative examples of your work during the pre-service science education program.  All items need to be in digital format.  You can scan text, images, etc. and please feel free to include a variety of media such as sound and video. 
  3. Give each file a descriptive name (do not include spaces or special characters in filenames.)  Organize your files in folders that have descriptive names. 
  4. I highly recommend that you use a combination of Google Sites and Google docs to create your digital portfolio.  You can also use the NSTA digital portfolio system or any other computer program you wish, just make sure to let the instructor know what you will be using for your portfolio. 
Portfolio Links
Scoring Guidelines

  • Resume
  • Sample lesson plans (at least two with different types of activities)
  • Philosophy of teaching
  • Unit plan
  • Exemplary materials that you have developed
  • Photos of student work, field trips, outdoor activities, posters, bulletin boards
  • Correct grammar and spelling
  • Professional appearance
10 points