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Brian's Class Materials- Spring 2014 - SEYS 382

SEYS 382 Home

Queens College/CUNY
Education Unit
Spring 2014

Pre-lesson group activity

During student teaching, and also for your edTA you will be required to carry out certain tasks before you teach a science lesson.  This is an activity designed to let you practice these important skills. You should not submit this for your edTPA.

Think back to your ICE experience and answer the following questions using a lesson that you taught in the classroom where you were placed.  Discuss each task with your group members.  After every group has gone through the tasks we will have a group discussion.  If you have any questions or don't understand a certain task, you can bring it up in the whole class discussion.

Planning for Scientific Understanding

I.           Pre-Lesson Thoughts

1)      Provide relevant context information about the school, your specific classroom and its attributes and resources or lack thereof.

2)      Describe the knowledge you have of these students specifically:

(a)    What they already know, what they can do, and what they are learning to do.

(b)   Their backgrounds, their interests, and their day-to-day practices and experiences.


3)      Describe how this lesson fits into the unit you are teaching?



4)      Describe your goals for the students and the central focus of the lesson.

5)      (a) Identify one language function from Analysis, Explanation, Interpretation, and Justification that is essential for student learning in this lesson.


(b)What vocabulary and/or symbols will you introduce in this lesson?


(c)Will you employ syntactical considerations or discourse to promote your chosen language function for this lesson?  Describe how you will promote the language function/


6)      Describe the pedagogical strategies you are thinking of using for this lesson and why they are appropriate for this lesson and this class.

7)      Describe the methods you will employ to assess and monitor student learning?

8)      Cite and describe the sources you are using to get ideas for this lesson.