          Boobies from the Galapagos


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Science Fun

Spring 2014 - SEYS 562

Assignment 1

Assignment 1 – Review of a science education research article from a refereed journal 

Due Date - 2/19/2014

Possible Points -  10

How to Submit -
  • Use a word processor to type your review.  Make sure to save frequently and to always back up your work in different locations. Give your file a descriptive names, e.g. yourlastnameA1.doc.  Always make sure that your name, the date, the assignment number and course number are at the top of the page on your assignment.  
  • Copy and paste the text of your review into a message on the discussion board in BlackBoard.  This is what will be graded.  
  • After you have posted on the discussion board, submit backup copies in the following ways:
    • Copy and paste the text of your assignment into a Google document and share it with
    • Upload your Word document or equivalent using the Assignments link in BlackBoard.  Please do not submit pdf files.  
  • Keep electronic and paper copies for your records.
Instructions for Assignment 1
  1. This is an individual assignment .
  2. Select a science education research article to review from the Journal of Research in Science Teaching (JRST).  You can get an article in one of the following ways:

  3. Once you have your article, read it carefully and write a brief, critical review.  Your review should contain the following:
    1. Bibliographic information in APA format (1)
    2. Purpose of the article (1)
    3. A short description of the author's background (1)
    4. Strengths of the article (2)
    5. Weaknesses of the article (2)
    6. Is this article useful to you as a science teacher?  Explain (2)
    7. Anything else interesting about the article you would like to share (1)

You must receive a rating of satisfactory on your review.

Scoring Guidelines 10 points maximum