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Brian's Class Materials- Spring 2014- SEYS 362

SEYS 582 Home

Queens College/CUNY
Education Unit
Spring 2014

Post-lesson group activity

During student teaching, and also for your edTA you will be required to carry out certain tasks after you teach a science lesson.  This is an activity designed to let you practice these important skills. You should not submit this for your edTPA.

Think back to your ICE experience and answer the following questions using a lesson that you taught in the classroom where you were placed.  Bring in a copy of your lesson plan to share with your group members.  Discuss each task with your group members.  After every group has gone through the tasks we will have a group discussion.  If you have any questions or don't understand a certain task, you can bring it up in the whole class discussion.

Post-Lesson Thoughts

To be emailed to the college observer no later than 7 days after the lesson was taught.

Name:                                                                                                                  Observation #:

1.       Goals:

Consider your original goals for the lesson.  Did you accomplish these goals?  How do you know? Were there differences in qualitative and quantitative learning patterns for individual students?




2.       The lesson’s objectives, standards, and content all align to enhance student learning and engagement.





3.       Language understanding and use.

Were students able to use the language and symbols you introduced and used during the lesson?  Explain you answer.






4.       Teacher feedback during the lesson

How did your feedback help students in the learning process?  Were students able to generalize beyond a specific instance?




5.       Monitoring/Regulatory/Assessing

What were some of the thoughts you had during the lesson that caused you to make the decisions you made? 




6.       Summary/Assessment

What did the summary/assessment part of your lesson tell you about the students’ learning?




7.       Supervisor’s suggestions:

What points were brought to your attention at the Post-lesson conference?




8.       The lesson plan

What changes would you make to your lesson plan if you were to teach this lesson again?





9.       Other reflection points.







IV A.                              Self-Assessment Summary

To be emailed with the Post-Lesson Thoughts and Assessment

Name:                                                                                                   School:

Observation #:                                                                                 Co-op Teacher:

Grade:                                                                                                  Class/Ability Group:

Lesson Topic:



Strong Points of the lesson—Discuss the following three components:

1. Planning for instruction

2. Instructing and engaging students

3. Assessing student learning


Areas for Improvement:





Assessment Tools:  Check that description which best describes each tool for promoting student learning during this lesson.

1  Questioning    __needs improvement,    __adequate,      __helpful to me the teacher

2  Feedback:        __needs improvement,    __adequate,     __helpful to me the teacher

3  End of lesson summary or formal assessment:

                                  __needs improvement,     __adequate,     --helpful to me the teacher


Student Electronic Signature:


IV B.                       Self-Assessment Rating of Instructional Practice


INDICATORS                                                                       EVALUATION







1)    Planning






a.)     Lesson has a central focus






b.)     Standards and learning objectives address science concepts






c.)      Lesson plans are sequenced appropriately






d.)     Identifies students’ prerequisite knowledge






e.)      Develops activities to support students’ science learning






f.)       Supports science development through the use of academic language






g.)      Employs appropriate methods to monitor student learning






h.)     Planning strategies are supported by principles from research and/or theory






2.)     Instruction






a.)     Fosters a positive learning environment






b.)     Employs appropriate methods to engage students in learning






c.)      Uses appropriate methods to advance student learning






d.)     Uses appropriate strategies for whole-class instruction






e.)      Accommodates students who need greater instructional support






f.)       Instructional strategies are supported by principles from research and/or theory






3.)     Assessment






a.)     Aligns standards, objectives, content, and assessment measures






b.)     Provides appropriate evaluation criteria to analyze student learning






c.)      Guides student learning through the use of varied feedback






d.)     Gathers evidence of students’ use and understanding of academic language






e.)      Assessment strategies are supported by principles from research and/or theory







Evaluation Scale

3- Advanced Performance

2- Proficient Performance

1- Emerging Performance

N/O- Not Observed or Not Applicable


Student’s Electronic Signature:                                                                                 Supervisor’s Electronic Signature: