Student Teaching: Roles and Responsibilities

Candidate Responsibilities

1.      Student teaching is to be treated like a job—you are expected to be at your school each day the school is open from February 3 to May 15, 2014.  If you must be absent for illness or some other unexpected emergency you must phone your cooperating teacher before 7:00 a.m. of the day of your absence.  You must also inform your College Professor of record, by e-mail.

2.      Dress is important.  Jeans and t-shirts are not appropriate for a student teacher. 

3.      You must follow the calendar of the district in which you are practice teaching.  If there are college classes operating on days the schools are not in session, you are expected to attend your college classes.

4.      The last official day of student teaching is May 15.  If you are teaching a Regents class or an AP class it is appropriate to offer your services to the class until the examinations.

5.      In the second week of student teaching you will be e-mailed a form requesting you to submit your teaching schedule.  It is imperative that this form be submitted by Feb 14th as it will be used to determine dates and times for your observations.

6.      If there is a problem with any date of a planned observation you must contact the observer and together agree to a rescheduled date.

7.      EdTPA requirements must be completed during student teaching, preferably before Mid April.  Before embarking on the EdTPA assignment ensure you have video-taped your selected class a number of times before hand.  Use these segments for discussion with your buddy and with your college supervisor.  Identify three Focus Students in the class (one must have specific learning needs—IEP, ELL, Gifted,...) and use the video clips and student work to discuss how you analysed their needs and helped them.

8.      A grade of B or better is a requirement for you to be recommended for NY State Certification.


College Supervisor Responsibilities

1.      Maintain an attendance register for the candidates in your section. 

2.      Keep a grade record for the candidates in your section.  For candidates you observe who are in some other supervisors section you must forward the complete observation packet for the lesson observed to the supervisor of record.

3.      The complete observation packet for each of the observed lessons for candidates in your section, are to be filed, by candidate, on a flash drive to be submitted to Dr. Laurenson at the end of the semester.

4.      Monitor the progress of candidates towards completing the EdTPA requirements.  (a) Discuss, on site at the schools, the pre EdTPA segments with groups of candidates in your section.

(b) Help candidates with the analysis of the three pre-selected focus students.

(b) Students will identify three focus students from the class they will use for their EdTPA portfolio.