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O- 1 Why Do Surveys Disagree? Some First Principles and Some Disagreeable Examples.
C.F. Turner. (Published in Turner, C.F. and E. Martin, eds., Surveying Subjective Phenomena, Volume 2.  New York:  Russell Sage Foundation, 1984.
O- 2 The Popularity of Presidents, 1963-80—An Empirical Assessment of the Accuracy of Measurements Made in 513 National Polls.
M. MacKuen and C.F. Turner. (Published in Turner, C.F. and E. Martin, eds., Surveying Subjective Phenomena, Volume 2.  New York:  Russell Sage Foundation, 1984.
O- 3 Rates of Reported Pulmonary Disorders among the Adult Populations of South Boston and the Boston Metropolitan Area: The Boston Area Pulmonary Health Survey. (216 pp)
By C.F. Turner, M.E. Colten, and P. Collins.  (Unpublished in Research Report, Boston: Center for Survey Research, University of Massachusetts at Boston and Joint Center for Urban Studies, Harvard and MIT, 1982.)
O- 4 Estimating the Effects of Interviewer Characteristics on Survey Response.
By R. Seltzer and C.F. Turner.  (Published in CSR Working Paper Series, Boston: Center for Survey Research, University of Massachusetts at Boston and Joint Center for Urban Studies, Harvard and MIT, 1982.)
O- 5 Public Perceptions and Behavior in Response to the AIDS Epidemic: Present Knowledge and Future Needs.
By Turner, C.F.   Unpublished background paper prepared for the Committee on a National Strategy for AIDS,  Institute of Medicine – National Academy of Sciences.  Washington DC: Institute of Medicine, 1986.
O- 6 Validation and Scaling of Quasi-Subjective Survey Measurements
By Turner, C.F.   (Unpublished proposal to the National Science Foundation.  Washington DC: National Research Council – National Academy of Sciences, 1985.)
O- 7 Standardized data collection for large-scale program evaluation.
By C.F. Turner.  In C. Betsey, R. Hollister, and M. Papageorgiou, eds., Youth Employment and Training Programs.  Washington, D.C.:  National Academy Press, 1985.
O- 8 Estimates of the effectiveness of employment and training programs for youth.
By V. Nelson and C.F. Turner.  In C. Betsey, R. Hollister, and M. Papageorgiou, eds., Youth Employment and Training Programs.  Washington, D.C.:  National Academy Press, 1985.
O- 9 Social and psychological antecedents of depression.
By H. Himmelweit and C.F. Turner.  In P. Baltes and O. Brim, eds., Life-Span Development and Behavior.  New York: Academic Press, 1982.
O- 10 Surveys of subjective phenomena: A working paper.
By Turner, C.F.  In D. Johnston, ed., Measurement of Subjective Phenomena. Washington, D.C.:  Government Printing Office, 1981.
O- 11 The impact of basic research in the social sciences.
By C.F. Turner and S. Kiesler.  Scientometrics, 3:177-190, 1981.
O- 12 Using social science skills in political struggle: Racism, police brutality, and the trial of Terence Johnson.
By R. Seltzer with C.F. Turner. Insurgent Sociologist, 10:67-74, 1981.
O- 13 Using computers to match workers and jobs.
By C.F. Turner.  In A. Miller et al., eds., Work, Jobs, and Occupations.  Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press, 1980.
O- 14 Discussion of the effect of the question on survey response.
By C.F. Turner.  Published in Proceedings of the American Statistical Association, Survey Methods Section, 1980:43-45, 1980.
O- 15 Techniques for understanding juror attitudes.
By E. Krauss, R. Fitzgerald, and C.F. Turner.  In B. Bonora and E. Krauss, eds., Jurywork: Systematic Techniques, 2nd ed.  Berkeley, Calif.:  National Jury Project and National Lawyers Guild, 1979.
Not presently available.
O- 16 Fallible indicators of the subjective state of the nation.
By C.F. Turner and E. Krauss.  Published in American Psychologist, 33:456-470, 1978.
O- 17 Socioeconomic Achievement and the Machiavellian personality.
By C.F. Turner and D. Martinez.  Social Psychology Quarterly, 40:325-336, 1977.
O- 18 Language and the latent structure of cognitive development.
By M. Sevinc and C.F. Turner. (Published in International Journal of Psychology, 11:231-250, 1976.
O- 19 Interaction amongst British and immigrant children: A methodological note.
By C.F. Turner and M. Sevinc. (Published in British Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 13:215-216, 1974.
Not presently available.
O- 20 Effects of race of tester and need for approval on children's learning.
By C.F. Turner. (Published in Journal of Educational Psychology, 62:240-244, 1971.)
Not presently available.