Comments concerning Other Calculators


Comments on the Sharp - 9600
Comments on the TI89
Comments on the TI85
Comments on the TI82

Comments on Java Programs

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Comments on the Sharp EL - 9600

Programs by Riffat Aziz


y1 => x
Print x


B => x
y1 => D
(A+B)/2 => x
y1 => Q
Print A
Print B
Print x
Print Q
If D*Q > 0 Go to THEN
x => A
Label THEN
x => B


A => x
y1 => C
B => x
y1 => D
If D - C != 0 Go to THEN.......(Note: != means not equal. Use appropriate key.)
B => A
x => B
Print B
Label THEN
B - D * (B-A) / (D-C) => x
B => A
x => B
Print B


A => x
y1 => C
B => x
y1 => D
B - ( D * (B-A) / (D-C) ) => x
y1 => Q
Print A
Print B
Print x
Print Q
If D * Q > 0 Go to THEN
x => A
Label THEN
x => B


x => A
y1 => B
y1(B) => C
If C - 2 B + A != 0 Go to THEN.......(Note: != means not equal. Use
End........................................................appropriate key.)
Label THEN
x - ( ( B - A )2 / ( C - 2 B + A ) ) => x
Print A
Print B
Print C
Print x


x => A
y1 => B
y1(B) => C
If C - 2 B + A != 0 Go to THEN.......(Note: != means not equal. Use
End........................................................appropriate key.)
Label THEN
x - ( ( B - A )2 / ( C - 2 B + A ) ) => Z
B => x
Print A
Print Z

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Comments on the TI-89

Comments by Lulzim Hoxha
Comments by Wai Ming Chan
Comments by Weston Hunter
Comments by Sukru Kilic

Preview of Programming Using the TI-89, by Lulzim Hoxha

1. Start a new program on the program editor: [APPS] , then [7] , then [3] , then type the NAME of the program.
Press [ENTER].
You will see the Display of "Template". The program NAME , PRGM , and EndPrgm are shown automatically.

2. To type "If" or "If ... Then" or any loop, press [F2] . The DISP command that is found under F3 displays the result on the program I/O Screen... . (So to display x you have to press [F3] , then [2] , then [x] .)

3. Very important!!!! If you want to type the variable y1 , or y2 , or ... yn in the program, you have to type y1(x) , y2(x) ... yn(x) . So to define y1 = x-2 you have to type y1(x) = x-2 .

4. Very important!!!! It is always good when you are writing a program to use parentheses in an efficient way. The same thing happens here. If you want to divide or multiply do not try to "save" parentheses. It is better to write ( x-4 ) / ( y1(x) - y2(x) ) than x-4/y1(x)-y2(x).

5. Very important . I was getting a lot of errors because instead of writing x*(y1(x) + 4 ) I was writing x (y1(x) + 4 ) . So, do not forget the (*).

6. To Run a Program:

First, go to the Homescreen and type the name of the program.

Second, do not forget ... you must always type a set of parentheses after the name.

Third, press [ENTER]. The output will be displayed on a different screen, which is the I/O screen.

To execute the program for the second time...

First press [F5]. (This will return you back to Homescreen.)

Second, press [ENTER].

Keep in mind, if you have written your program in such a way that it requires arguments, you have to include the arguments inside the set of parentheses. Most of the other commands are the same as for the TI-82, 83, 85, (such as copying, updating, and changing lines, saving...) .

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Programs by Wai Ming Chan

Simple Iteration

:simpiter( )
:y1(x) -> x
:Disp x

Bisection Method

:bisect( )
:b -> x
:y1(x) -> d
:(a+b) / 2 -> x
:y1(x) -> q
:Disp a,b,x,q
:If d*q > 0 Then
:x -> b
:x -> a
:End If

Secant Method

:secant( )
:a -> x
:y1(x) -> c
:b -> x
:y1(x) -> d
:If d-c != 0...............(Note: we are using != to mean "not equal". You should use
:b-d*(b-a) / (d-c) -> x..........the more common symbol from the calculator menu.)
:b -> a
:x -> b
:Disp b

False Position Method

:falsepos( )
:a -> x
:y1(x) -> c
:b -> x
:y1(x) -> d
:b-d*(b-a) / (d-c) -> x
:y1(x) -> q
:Disp a,b,x,q
:If d*q > 0 Then
:x -> b
:x -> a

Steffensen's Method

:steffen( )
:x -> a
:y1(x) -> b
:y1(b) -> c
:If c-2*b+a != 0....................(Note: we are using != to mean "not equal". You
:x - (b-a)^2 / (c-2*b+a) -> x..................should use.the more common symbol
:Disp a,b,c,x............................................from the calculator menu.)

Aitken's Method

aitken( ):
:x -> a
:y1(x) -> b
:y1(b) -> c
:If c-2*b+a != 0.............(Note: we are using != to mean "not equal". You should use
:x - (b-a)^2 / (c-2*b+a) -> z.......the more common symbol from the calculator menu.)
:b -> x
:Disp a,z

Neville's Method

:neville( )
:dim ( bb[1] ) -> n
:Fill 0 , aa
:For i , 1 , n
:( bb[1] )[i] -> aa[ i , n+2 ]
:x - ( bb[1] )[i] -> aa[ i , n+1 ]
:( bb[2] )[i] -> aa[ i , 1 ]
:For j , 2 , n
:For i , j , n
:( aa[ i-1 , j-1 ] * aa[ i , n+1 ] - aa[ i , j-1 ] * aa[ i-j+1 , n+1 ] ) /
( aa[ i , n+1 ] - aa[ i-j+1 , n+1 ] ) -> aa[ i , j ]
:Disp aa

Notes Concerning the Neville Program:

1. "aa" is a matrix table. aa[i,j] refers to the element in row i and column j . "bb" is a data table. ( bb[1] )[i] refers to the ith element in the first column. The "1" refers to the first column in the data table.

2. The variable names a,b cannot be used in this program because they were reserved from previous programs, and they have different properties (integers).

3. Before executing the program, you have to set the dimension of aa beforehand. If it isn't set, or set incorrectly, it will give you a dimension error message.

Creating/Opening a Data Table

1. Press the [APPS] key.

2. Press "6:Data/Matrix Editor".

3. Press "3:New" (or "2:open" if one already exists).

4. The "Type" field remains as "Data". Go down to the "variable" field and type in "bb" .

5. A table appears with the word "DATA" in the upper left hand corner. This confirms that this is a data table.

6. Enter the x-values into the "c1" column.

7. If the f(x) values are given for the corresponding x-values, enter them into the "c2" column. If the function f(x) is given instead, go to the cell "c2", and enter the function into the cell. Remember to change the "x" in the function to "c1". For example, if f(x) = e(x/2), you should enter c2 = e^( c1 / 2 ) .

Creating/Opening a Matrix Table

1. Press the [APPS] key.

2. Press 6: Data /Matrix Editor.

3. Press 3: New (or 2: Open if one already exists).

4. The "Type" field should be changed from "Data" to "Matrix". Go down to the "Variable" field and type in "aa" . You can enter the row and column dimensions here, or you can change it later.

5. A table appears with the word " MAT " in the upper left hand corner. This confirms that this is a matrix table.

6. Next, you need to resize the matrix so the program can execute properly. To resize the matrix, Press F6 ( [2nd] + [F1] ), then press "6: Resize Matrix".

7. Then enter the correct row and column dimensions. If the data table has n values, then the matrix should have dimension n by (n+2). For example, if "bb" has 3 x-values, then you should resize the matrix into 3 rows and 5 columns.

8. Back in the matrix, you will see "3 x 5" in the upper left hand corner.

9. With the data and matrix tables set, you are ready to execute the program.

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Programs by Weston Hunter

DEEULER (Euler's Method)


Local h
Local t
Local w
Local i
(b-a)/n -> h
a -> t
y -> w

newMat ( n+1 , 2 ) -> dat

t -> dat [ 1 , 1 ]
w -> dat [ 1 , 2 ]

For i , 1 , n
(c) Disp i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (We use the symbol (c) to represent the
w + h * f ( t , w ) -> w . . . . . . Comment Command, located in the
a + i * h -> w . . . . . . . . . . . . . Program Editor / Control Menu )
t -> dat [ i + 1 , 1 ]
w -> dat [ i + 1 , 2 ]


DETAYLR2 (Taylor Method, Order 2)


Local h
Local t
Local w
Local i
(b-a)/n -> h
a -> t
y -> w

newMat ( n+1 , 2 ) -> dat

t -> dat [ 1 , 1 ]
w -> dat [ 1 , 2 ]

For i , 1 , n
(c) Disp i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (We use the symbol (c) to represent the
w + h * tf2 ( t , w , h ) -> w . . . . . . Comment Command, located in the
a + i * h -> t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Program Editor / Control Menu )
t -> dat [ i + 1 , 1 ]
w -> dat [ i + 1 , 2 ]


The following function is needed in the program detaylr2(y,a,b,n) :

tf2 ( t , y , h )
f ( t , y ) + h / 2 * f_1 ( t , y )

DETAYLR4 (Taylor Method, Order 4)

(c) ClrIO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (We use the symbol (c) to represent the
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Comment Command, located in the
Local h . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Program Editor / Control Menu )
Local t
Local w
Local i
Local q
(b-a)/n -> h
a -> t
y -> w

newMat ( n+1 , 2 ) -> dat

t -> dat [ 1 , 1 ]
w -> dat [ 1 , 2 ]

For i , 1 , n
tf4 ( t , w , h ) -> q
(c) Disp t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (We use the symbol (c) to represent the
w + h * q -> w . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Comment Command, located in the
a + i * h -> t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Program Editor / Control Menu )
t -> dat [ i + 1 , 1 ]
w -> dat [ i + 1 , 2 ]


The following function is needed in the program detaylr4(y,a,b,n) :

tf4 ( t , y , h )
f ( t , y ) + h / 2 * f_1 ( t , y ) + h^2 / 6 * f_2 ( t , y ) + h^3 / 24 * f_3 ( t , y )

DEMIDPT ( DE Midpoint Method)

demidpt ( y , a , b , n )

Local h
Local t
Local w
Local i
Local k
(b-a)/n -> h
a -> t
y -> w

newMat ( n+1 , 2 ) -> dat

t -> dat [ 1 , 1 ]
w -> dat [ 1 , 2 ]

For i , 1 , n

h / 2 * f ( t , w ) -> k
w + h * f ( t + h / 2 , w + k ) -> w

a + i * h -> t
t -> dat [ i + 1 , 1 ]
w -> dat [ i + 1 , 2 ]


DEMODEUL ( DE Modified Euler Method)

demodeul ( y , a , b , n )

Local h
Local t
Local w
Local i
Local k1
Local k2

(b-a)/n -> h
a -> t
y -> w

newMat ( n+1 , 2 ) -> dat

t -> dat [ 1 , 1 ]
w -> dat [ 1 , 2 ]

For i , 1 , n

h * f ( t , w ) -> k1
f ( t + h , w + k1 ) -> k2
w + h / 2 * ( f ( t , w ) + k2 ) -> w

a + i * h -> t
t -> dat [ i + 1 , 1 ]
w -> dat [ i + 1 , 2 ]


DEHEUN ( DE Heun's Method)

deheun ( y , a , b , n )

Local h
Local t
Local w
Local i
Local k1
Local k2

(b-a)/n -> h
a -> t
y -> w

newMat ( n+1 , 2 ) -> dat

t -> dat [ 1 , 1 ]
w -> dat [ 1 , 2 ]

For i , 1 , n

2 / 3 * h * f ( t , w ) -> k1
3 * f ( t + 2 / 3 * h , w + k1 ) -> k2
w + h / 4 * ( f ( t , w ) + k2 ) -> w

a + i * h -> t
t -> dat [ i + 1 , 1 ]
w -> dat [ i + 1 , 2 ]


DERK4 ( DE Runge Kutta 4th Order Method)

derk4 ( y , a , b , n )

Local h
Local t
Local w
Local i
Local k1
Local k2
Local k3
Local k4

(b-a)/n -> h
a -> t
y -> w

newMat ( n+1 , 2 ) -> dat

t -> dat [ 1 , 1 ]
w -> dat [ 1 , 2 ]

For i , 1 , n

h * f ( t , w ) -> k1
h * f ( t + h / 2 , w + 1 / 2 * k1 ) -> k2
h * f ( t + h / 2 , w + 1 / 2 * k2 ) -> k3
h * f ( t + h , w + k3 ) -> k4
w + 1 / 6 * ( k1 + 2 * k2 + 2 * k3 + k4 ) -> w

a + i * h -> t
t -> dat [ i + 1 , 1 ]
w -> dat [ i + 1 , 2 ]


DEBASH2 ( Adams Bashforth 2 Step)

debash2 ( a , b , n )
(c) ClrIO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (We use the symbol (c) to represent the
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Comment Command, located in the
Local h . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Program Editor / Control Menu )
Local t
Local t_1
Local w
Local w_1
Local i
Local rows

rowDim ( src ) -> rows
(b-a)/n -> h
newMat ( n+1 , 2 ) -> dat

For i , 1 , rows
src [ i ] -> dat [ i ]

For i , rows , n
a + ( i - 1 ) * h -> t
t - h -> t_1
dat [ i , 2 ] -> w
dat [ i - 1 , 2 ] -> w_1
t + h -> dat [ i + 1 , 1 ]

w + h / 2 * ( 3 * f ( t , w ) - f ( t_1 , w_1 ) ) -> dat [ i + 1 , 2 ]


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Programs by Sukru Kilic

More information can be found on the website of Sukru Kilic. In particular, there are images of the home screen and the input-output screen, which will appear when the program is executed. The web site can be found at:

Runge Kutta Order-4 Program for the TI-89 Calculator

The program steps are as follows:

rk4( )



Title "Runge Kutta Order-4"
Request "y'=f(t,y)=",t1
Request "a=",t2
Request "b=",t3
Request "N=",t4
Request "y(a)=a=",t5

expr(t1&" » f(t,y)") ....(Note: we use » to mean
expr(t2) » a .............."Store".)
expr(t3) » b
expr(t4) » n
expr(t5) » w
(b-a)/n » h
a » ti

For i,1,n
h*f(ti,w) » k1
h*f(ti+h/2,w+k1/2) » k2
h*f(ti+h/2,w+k2/2) » k3
h*f(ti+h,w+k3) » k4
w+(k1+2*k2+2*k3+k4)/6 » w
a+i*h » ti
string(w)&" » w"&shift(shift(format(i,"f0")),1) » t9
Disp "w"&left(shift(shift(format(i,"f0")),1),2)&" = "&string(w)

If mod(i,6)=0 Then



How to use the program

On the home screen type rk4( ) and press ENTER.

A dialog box will appear with input boxes. Fill in all the input variables. Note: By default, the dialog starts in alpha mode; press alpha to disable it. Also make sure you use * sign between variables and numbers explicitly.
i.e te^(3t)-2y becomes t*e^(3*t)-2*y

After Clicking Enter on the previous screen, the program will start calculating wi's. Once the screen gets filled, it will pause and wait for you to press ENTER for further calculations. This will go on until you reach wN.

Once you reach wN, the program will stop. At this point, press the HOME key to go back to home screen.

After you press HOME key to go back to home screen, you will see Done, which means the program finished executing.

After the program finishes, it creates variables w1 to wN with Runge Kutta Order-4 computed values. You can always type the variable name and press enter to see its value. i.e. type "w3" on home screen and press enter.

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Comments on the TI-85

Comments by Gregory Hinckson
Comments by Amandeep Kaur

Programs by Gregory Hinckson

STEFFENS (Steffensen's Method)

x ---> A
y1 ---> B
B ---> x
y1 ---> C
If C - 2 B + A != 0 . . . . . (See note below.)
A - ( B - A )2 / ( C - 2 B + A ) ---> x
Disp A, B, C, x

Note: We are using != to mean "not equal". You should use
the more common symbol from the calculator menu.

NEVILLE (Neville's Method)

Instruction#1_____dimL L1 -> N..................(Note: We use the symbol "->" to
Instruction#2_____{N,N+2} -> dim A.......represent the operation "Store".)
Instruction#3_____Fill( 0 , A )
Instruction#4_____For (I,1,N)
Instruction#5_____L1(I) -> A(I,N+2)
Instruction#6_____x-L1(I) -> A(I,N+1)
Instruction#7_____L2(I) -> A(I,1)
Instruction#9_____For (J,2,N)
Instruction#10____For (I,J,N)
Instruction#11____( A(I-1,J-1)*A(I,N+1) - A(I,J-1)*A(I-J+1,N+1) ) /
________________( A(I,N+1) - A(I-J+1,N+1) ) -> A(I,J)

NEWTDIV (Newton's Divided Difference Method)

Instruction#1_____dimL L1 -> N..................(Note: We use the symbol "->" to
Instruction#2_____{N,N+2} -> dim A.......represent the operation "Store".)
Instruction#3_____Fill( 0, A )
Instruction#5_____L1(I) -> A(I,N+1)
Instruction#6_____L2(I) -> A(I,1)
Instruction#10____( A(I,J-1) - A(I-1,J-1) ) / ( L1(I) - L1(I-J+1) ) -> A(I,J)
Instruction#13____A(N,N) -> S
Instruction#15____N-I+1 -> K
Instruction#16____S * ( x - L1(K) ) + A(K,K) -> S
Instruction#18____S -> A(1,N+2)

NEWFORDF (Newton's Forward Difference Method)

Instruction#1_____dimL L1 -> N....................(Note: We use the symbol "->" to
Instruction#2_____{N,N+2} -> dim A........represent the operation "Store".)
Instruction#3_____Fill( 0, A )
Instruction#5_____L1(I) -> A(I,N+1)
Instruction#6_____L2(I) -> A(I,1)
Instruction#10____( A(I,J-1) - A(I-1,J-1) ) -> A(I,J)
Instruction#13____L1(2) - L1(1) -> H
Instruction#14____( x - L1(1) ) / H -> S
Instruction#15____A(N,N) -> T
Instruction#17____N-I+1 -> K
Instruction#18____T * ( S - K + 1 ) / K + A(K,K) -> T
Instruction#20____T -> A(1,N+2) : S -> A(2,N+2)

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Program by Amandeep Kaur

ICOMTRAP (Composite Trapezoid Rule)

(B-A)/N ---> H
seq ( A + I*H , I , 0 , N , 1 ) ---> L1
L1 ---> x
y1 ---> L2
seq ( (H/2) ( L2(I) + L2(I+1) ) , I , 1 , N , 1 ) ---> L3
sum L3 ---> T
fnInt ( y1 , x , A , B ) ---> S
Disp S,T,S-T

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Comments on the TI-82

Program by Maria Katsaras

Program INTERP3 (3-Point Interpolation).

Instruction#1_____QuadReg L1, L2
Instruction#2_____"aX2 + bX + c" -> Y1
Instruction#3_____Disp a, b, c

Note: a, b, c are Statistics Equation Variables.
Press [VARS] [5] [right arrow] [right arrow] to find these variables.

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Comments on Java Programs

Java Programs by Syed Ali

Simple Iteration

The following program will iterate four times using the equation xn = g(xn-1) , where g(x) = ( 3x4 + 2x2 + 3 ) / ( 4x3 + 4x - 1 ). The initial iterate is x0 = p .

public static void main( String[] args )
double y, y1, y2, p= 1, x;
int counter = 0, n = 4; //No. Of Iteration

x = p;
System.out.println( "n . . . . g(x)");
System.out.println( "---------------------------------------------------" );

while( counter <= n)
y1 = 3*Math.pow( x, 4 ) + ( 2*Math.pow( x, 2 ) ) + 3;
y2 = 4*Math.pow( x, 3 ) + ( 4*Math.pow( x, 1 ) ) -1;
y = y1/y2;
System.out.print( counter +" " );
System.out.println( y);
x = y;
catch ( Exception tooBad )
System.out.println( tooBad.toString() );

//***********OutPut May Look Like This*****************

n . . . . g( x )
0 ___1.1428571428571428
1 ___1.1244816900178953
2 ___1.1241231639401488
3 ___1.124123029704334
4 ___1.1241230297043154


Bisection Method

The following program will use the bisection method to obtain an approximation for the zero of the function f(x) = x3 + 4 x2 - 10 on the interval [ 1 , 2 ] . The number of bisection iterations is 13.

public static void main( String[] args )
double x, q, d, a=1, b=2, y, f;
int counter = 1, n=13;//No. Of Iteration
"_______________________________________________________" );
System.out.println( "n . . a . . . . . b . . . . . x . . . . . q" );
"-----------------------------------------------------------------" );
while( counter <= n)
x = b;
y = Math.pow( x, 3 ) + ( 4*Math.pow( x, 2 ) ) - 10;
d = y;
x =(a+b)/2 ;
y = Math.pow( x, 3 ) + ( 4*Math.pow( x, 2 ) ) - 10;
q = y ;
//System.out.print( counter + " " );
//System.out.println(a+" "+b+" "+x+" "+q);
System.out.print( counter );
System.out.print( b );
System.out.print( x);
System.out.println( q);

f = d*q;
if ( f > 0)
b = x;
a = x;
catch ( Exception tooBad )
System.out.println( tooBad.toString() );
//***********OutPut May Look Like This*****************************
n . . a . . . . . b . . . . . x . . . . . q
1 1.0____________2.0________ 1.5______________2.375
2 1.0____________1.5________ 1.25____________-1.796875
3 1.25___________1.5________ 1.375____________0.162109375
4 1.25___________1.375______ 1.3125__________-0.848388671875
5 1.3125_________1.375______ 1.34375_________-0.350982666015625
6 1.34375________1.375______ 1.359375________-0.09640884399414062
7 1.359375_______1.375______ 1.3671875________0.03235578536987305
8 1.359375_______1.3671875__ 1.36328125______-0.03214997053146362
9 1.36328125_____1.3671875__ 1.365234375______7.202476263046265E-5
10 1.36328125____ 1.365234375 1.3642578125____-0.01604669075459242
11 1.3642578125__ 1.365234375 1.36474609375___-0.007989262812770903
12 1.36474609375_ 1.365234375 1.364990234375 _ -0.003959101522923447
13 1.364990234375 1.365234375 1.3651123046875 -0.0019436590100667672

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