Józef Dodziuk

Professor of Mathematics
Queens College and the Graduate School
of the City University of New York

Deputy Executive Officer, Ph.D. Program in Mathematics
The Graduate Center of the City University of New York

Office: 4214-04 (GC), Kiely Hall, room 503 (QC)

Telephone: 212 817-8541 (GC), 718 997-5850 (QC)

E-mail: jdodziuk@gmail.com


My research concerns relations between analysis, topology, and geometry for manifolds, cell complexes, and graphs.

Here is my CV , the list of my publications and reviews of some of my papers. Many of the papers (in PDF) can be found following this this link.


Mathematics 320 - Additional Reading

"... at the Mathematical School, ... the Master taught his Pupils after a Method scarcely imaginable to us ... . The Proposition and Demonstration were fairly written on a thin Wafer, with Ink composed of a Cephalic Tincture. This the Student was to swallow upon fasting Stomach, and for three Days following eat nothing but Bread and Water. As the Wafer digested, the tincture mounted to his Brain, bearing the Proposition along with it."

Links you might like to follow:

Mathematics on the Web

Ph.D. Program in Mathematics, Graduate Center, CUNY

Department of Mathematics, Queens College, CUNY

To see more click on an image below.

Last modified: Tue Feb 19 2018

Józef Dodziuk <jdodziuk@gc.cuny.edu>
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