QC Digital Imagemaking 1 * Williams * Tuesdays 6:00 - 9:35 PM * Spring 2009 * ARTS 165 and ARTS 6203


IMPORTANT NOTE!!!!! – this class has been moved to Klapper 140 for critiques and Klapper 107 for the computer oriented part of class. We will NOT meet in IB/213 for the remainder of the semester.

email me: jennifer.williams1@qc.cuny.edu

CLICK on a date to see what information was discussed durning that particular class period.


27 Jan.- Introduction to class and class requirements reviewed. Handout of camera choices passed out. Introduction to digital camera technology.
Assignment: Bring in your camera + manual
Assignment: 1-3 photographs of your own that you like to show in class next week. (print or file)


3 Feb.- How to use your camera, file sizes, discussion of images brought to class, introduction of composition principles and Photoshop, how to upload pictures from your camera.
Assignment: assigned reading + shoot 5 pictures demonstrating the “rule of thirds”.


10 Feb.- no class – Tuesday is a Thursday schedule


17 Feb.- Discussion of images brought in from the assignment, introduction to RAW files and Camera RAW as an editing tool and white balance. Assignment: assigned reading + shoot 5 pictures using the concept of the “diagonal” or “foreground_middle-ground_background” as perspective tool.


24 Feb.- Discussion of images brought in from the assignment, lighting demonstration
Assignment: assigned reading + shoot 5 “portraits” (head and shoulders)


3 March- Discussion of images brought in from the assignment using these Photoshop tools: histogram, levels, curves, and layers. Assignment: shoot 5 pictures using the concept of “repetition”. Assignment: Go to at least 6 of shows on the given handout. Choose three and write at a paragraph about each. Paper due on April 7th


10 March- Discussion of images brought in from the assignment, introduction to color management, introduction to printing principals. Guidelines for “midterm” discussed.
Assignment: shoot 5 images using “textures” + bring in flies from previous assignments


17 March- Discussion of images brought in from the assignment, more information on preparing files for printing, cloning, healing brush, lens distortion tool, sharpening discussed.
Assignment: shoot 5 images using the term “landscape” or “urban landscape”


24 March- Discussion of images brought in from the assignment, one on one meetings to help with editing photos for the midterm. Images for the midterm should be PRINTED using a service like Costco or Adorama Photo.


31 March- Midterm Critique. Bring the flies of these pictures so that we can compare the hardcopy photographs to the images on the monitor if need be.


7 April- using a scanner, scanning negatives, piecing together multiple images in Photoshop, using magic wand tool, etc. Making Masks in Photoshop to enhance photos.
Assignment: shoot 5 images relating to the idea of a “still life”
Assignment: TBA- museum trip which will be the topic for your final paper


14 April- no class – Spring Break!


21 April- Discussion of images brought in from the assignment, more masks and selection tools DOF using Photoshop
Assignment: create a composite image using a mask


28 April- NO CLASS! Museum trip to MOMA May 9th. see May 5th for details.....


5 May- Discussion of images brought in from the assignment, using a flash workshop Assignment: bring all your questions and images to work on in class!!!!


12 May- Presentation options discussed, work in class day, any questions, bring them now!!! Bring images, work prints, and I can help color correct - Photoshop - edit.


19 May- Final critique day!! 10 Prints or “project” due (images must be PRINTED!!!). Also, bring images on disk to hand in to me. I will review these and give you feedback via email. PAPER DUE!! Final prints due, in class critique for those that we don’t finish on the 12th. Hardcopy or email final paper is due.