March 17th - in class topics:



healing brush

clone tool

clone source palate

vanishing point;

lens distortion:


Sharpening should be one of the LAST things you do before printing!!!!!! Also, you should probably always sharpen after scanning negatives on the flatbed, but the 35mm Nikon may already give you a nice image because it is able to focus more precisely.

Convert your image into LAB color (Image>Mode>Lab color).

Go to the layers palette, choose the “channels tab”.

Select the “Lightness” channel, and then turn on the other channels by clicking where the eye should be (this should leave only the lightness channel selected, but let you view your image in full color).

Go to Filter>Sharpen>Unsharp Mask.

You will see the image in the sharpening dialog box in B&W but your image in full color.

The Threshold should be set at 0

The Radius should be 1:200th of your resolution.

Ex. 300dpi / 200= 1.5 pixels Move the “Amount” slider until your image looks sharp.

Click OK.

Convert back to RGB to do any other adjustments and before before you print.


Assignment for March 24th-


SHOOT pictures that use the idea of "landscapes" or "urban landscapes".

Bring in 5 images on your USB flash drive, and we will project and discuss them in class.

EXAMPLE IMAGES that we saw in class may be reviewed in the "VIEW" section below


shoot better landscapes part 1

shoot better landscapes part 2


some photographers we looked at in class who probably have books in the art library:

joel sternfeld and frank gohlke - these two photographers have work hanging in Powdermaker Hall check them out!

andreas gursky

edward burtynsky

bernice abbott

harry callahan



During class meeting on March 24th, after viewing our assignments, we will break into one on one meetings to discuss which images you should work with to print for the midterm, and what direction you are heading in overall. 

Please bring with you all the images that you turned in for assignments so that we may review them and pick some images to print.  Everyone else is welcome to stay and work on their images during class time. 

Midterm!!!! March 31st:


8 – 8”x10” (or larger) printed images

Your midterm will consist of 8 images selected from the assignments we have had so far this semester.  These images will have to be physically PRINTED, not projected like we usually do in class.  These will be pinned up on the wall and will be discussed primarily in relationship to technical issues: composition, tonality, color correctness, cropping, but also some content will also be discussed.   Prints should be made at a lab, unless you have a 6 color or higher inkjet printer at home and know how to use it.  No Laser Prints!

Prints can be uploaded at Adorama Pix, which you can pay for by credit card and have them mailed to you, or you can take your flies to their store on 18th street between 5th and 6th.

Alternatively, you can also take your files to Costco, which I hear is not hard to get to and is somewhere in queens.

Prints should be 8x10 at least.  Any smaller and you can’t see what is going on.  Bigger is OK.

Stick with glossy to begin with, or if you prefer matte you can ask for that.  It won’t be as matte as inkjet prints though.



Assignment for April 7th:

Click HERE for list of galleries which are clickable:

Click HERE for a downloadable PDF

Writing assignment due March 31st:

Visit at least 3 of these shows at galleries located in Manhattan (Chelsea or Midtown). They are all free. Write a paragraph describing the shows you enjoyed the most, expressing your likes and dislikes about each artists work. Was the scale correct for the work? Was the choice of media correct (i.e. color, B&W, etc.)? How was the work hung (frames, no frames, mounted on plexiglass, etc.) Was there any image in particular that struck you as interesting, which stuck with you? Alternatively, was there a show you really disliked? If so, why? I’m looking for your opinions, but I’m also looking for backup of those opinions. For example, don’t say “I liked __________’s show because the work was interesting”. Be more descriptive.

If you need more information on a show, usually at the front desk there is a binder or a press release with information about the artist/show. You can also ask the person behind the front desk, often they will know a lot about the work being shown. Also, try taking a look at the gallery’s web site.