Almost Complex Geometry Seminar

Department of Mathematics
The Graduate Center of CUNY

Wednesdays 11:45am - 1:45pm
Room 6417
Organizers: Luis Fernandez, Scott Wilson Qian Chen

Scope: this seminar is devoted to all topics related to almost complex manifolds, including but not limited to: complex manifolds, symplectic topology and geometry, (almost) Kahler geometry, as well the tools of algebraic topology and geometric analysis that have proven useful in studying such structures. The goal is expose students and faculty to foundational material and present day research in a relaxed format that includes traditional lectures with an actively engaged audience.
Jump to present semester

Spring 2018:

Organizational and introductory material

2/7: Luis Fernandez
Almost complex structures on six-sphere through octonions

2/14: Bora Ferlengez
Almost complex structures on six-sphere through octonions (continued)

2/21: Luis Fernandez
Non-integrable ACS on six-sphere

2/28: Luis Fernandez
Metric on the space of ACS on six-sphere (continued)

3/7,3/14,3/21: no meeting

3/28: Aleksandar Milivojevic (Stony Brook University)
Relations among Hodge numbers on a hypothetical complex six-sphere Notes

3/29: Spiro Kargiannis (U. of Waterloo)
Cohomologies on almost complex manifolds and their applications

Abstract: We define three cohomologies on an almost complex manifold (M, J), defined using the Nijenhuis-Lie derivations induced from the almost complex structure J and its Nijenhuis tensor N, regarded as vector-valued forms on M. One of these can be applied to distinguish non-isomorphic non-integrable almost complex structures on M. Another one, the J-cohomology, is familiar in the integrable case but we extend its definition and applicability to the case of non-integrable almost complex structures. The J-cohomology encodes whether a complex manifold satisfies the "del-delbar-lemma", and more generally in the non- integrable case the J-cohomology encodes whether (M, J) satisfies a generalization of this lemma. We also mention some other potential cohomologies on almost complex manifolds, related to an interesting question involving the Nijenhuis tensor.

4/18: Aleksandar Milivojevic (Stony Brook University)
Relations among Hodge numbers on a hypothetical complex six-sphere (part 2)

4/25: Joining Simons mathfest 2018

5/2: Scott Wilson
Results concerning almost complex structures on the six-sphere(1)

This is an exposition of the work in arxiv:1610.0920

5/9: Scott Wilson
Results concerning almost complex structures on the six-sphere(2)

This is a continuation of the previous talk.

5/16: Luis Fernandez
No orthogonal almost complex structure is integrable on six-sphere

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