About the Gerald S. Lieblich Learning Resource Center

Opened in 1974, the Gerald S. Lieblich Learning Resources Center supports the playback of multiple visual and audio formats. Materials held in the Media Collection can be viewed at any of the designated work stations in the Center.


The Center is located in Sage Hall, first floor. Sage Hall is located behind Meister Hall and in front of Human Resources. Walk in through the double doors of Sage Hall and make a right; the Resource Learning Center is room #100.

Access and Use

Currently enrolled Bronx Community and affiliated institution students, faculty and staff are permitted to use the center. One time use of the center is granted to individuals with Metro Card referral. Priority for use of the center is given to those individuals using the facility for course related purposes and multimedia research and projects.


There are several ways that you can reach us. Our phone number is (718) 289-5346 or (718) 289-5347. The library reference desk in Meister Hall is (718) 289-5974; the number for the reference desk in the G.S.L Learning Resource Center in (718) 289-5429.


2155 University Avenue
Bronx, New York 10453
(718) 289-5346/5347/5429