Walk-In Tutoring Services

 Tutoring services for students is on a walk-in basis. The course materials that the Tutor will assist in are Mathematics, Biology, and Chemistry. Walk-in hours can be very busy, especially the periods just before Mid-terms and Final exams. Students may get the help they need in just a few minutes, but if there are several questions, students are advised to plan on at least an hour.  Be aware that there is also a Math Lab located in Tutorial Lab in CP, Room 123.

Dr. Thein is the Walk-In Tutoring Center's primary tutor; the Walk-In Tutoring Center is located inside the Learning Resource Center.

During the Fall and Spring semester, the lab's scheduled hours of operation are:

Day Open Close
Monday Noon 5 PM
Wednesday Noon 5 PM
Thursday Noon 5 PM
Friday Noon 5 PM


2155 University Avenue
Bronx, New York 10453
(718) 289-5346/5347/5429