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ENGL 151/151W: Works of English Literature

Thomas Frosch

(Submission #140)

Course Description

Catalog Description: An introduction to the development of English Literature from the Middle Ages to the twentieth century through a study of selected poetry, drama, fiction, and nonfictional prose.

This course engages students in reading a selection of great works of poetry, prose, and drama written by key figures in the British literary tradition from the 10th to the 20th century, providing them with a perspective on the emergence, development, and spread of the English language and culture. Students will consider questions like the following: What makes a literary work significant or great? How and why do standards of significance and greatness change? How do literary texts ‘speak’ to each other as well as to us? How did the language of a little European island become a world-wide tongue? By examining a range of works written by women and men from variety of British regional, religious, social, ethnic, and political traditions, students learn that British literature not only changes over time but is also culturally and generically diverse.

The 151W version of the course combines the study of literature with continued classroom instruction in clear and effective written expression


Area of Knowledge and Inquiry: Reading Literature (RL)
Context of Experience: European Traditions (ET)
Extended Requirement: Not Applicable

Additional Course information

Credits: 3
Prerequisites: English 110
Existing Course: Existing
Existing Course Number: English 151, 151W
Course Anticipated to be offered: Every Semester
Other (if specified): 
Number of Sections: 3-5
Number of Seats: 25 but jumbo section possible


[Justification, Materials, Assessment, Administration (DOC)]   [Syllabus/Syllabi (DOC)]  

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