START Conference Manager |
(Submission #143)
This course covers the debates over religion and politics in the 16th and 17th centuries in England and Ireland. This period includes many of the crucial events in their histories: the succession of the Stuarts, the Plantation of Ulster, with the migration of Scots settlers to Ireland and the creation of colonial communities organized under a English model of economy and government, called “British”; the Civil War, or the War of Three Kingdoms, including the rebellion against religious conformity in Scotland, the revolt by the Confederacy in Ireland, as wells as the Cromwellian conquest and land confiscations in Ireland; the Restoration, and the Glorious Revolution and the Jacobite response to that in Ireland and Scotland. These events will be studied as they are variously represented in the political, religious and imaginative writing (drama, poetry, essay) of the period. This course focuses mainly on the analysis of texts and for this reason satisfies the "Reading Literature" Area of Knowledge and Inquiry.
Area of Knowledge and Inquiry: Reading Literature (RL) Context of Experience: European Traditions (ET) Extended Requirement: Pre-Industrial Society (PI)
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: none Existing Course: New Existing Course Number: 229 Course Anticipated to be offered: Every Fall Other (if specified): Number of Sections: 1 Number of Seats: 35
[Justification, Materials, Assessment, Administration (DOC)] [Syllabus/Syllabi (DOC)]
START Conference Manager (V2.56.8 - Rev. 994)