Musical Works of György Ligeti (born 1923)
At least 114 works written in Hungary, 1938-55 (only the most important mentioned below).
- Little Serenade, string orchestra, 1945-47
- Weöres Songs, soprano and piano, 1946-7
- Old Hungarian Parlor Dances, orchestra, 1949
- Ballad and Dance, 2 violins, 1950
- Two Movements, string quartet, 1950
- Four early Folksong Settings, 1946-52
- Cello Sonata, 1948, rev. 1953
- Cantata for a Youth Festival, soloists, chorus orchestra, 1949
- Rag Carpet, piano, 1950-51
- Szonatina for piano four hands, 1950
- Musica ricercata, eleven pieces for piano solo, 1951-3
- Omaggio a G. Frescobaldi, ricercar for organ solo, 1953
- Six Bagatelles for Wind Quintet, 1953
- Métamorphoses nocturnes, String Quartet, 1954
- Night, Morning, eight-voice mixed choir a capella, 1955
- Glissandi, electronic, 1957
- Pièce électronic Nr. 3, 4-channel electronic, 1957-8
- Artikulation, 4-channel electronic, 1958
- Apparitions, orchestra, 1958-9
- Atmosphères, full orchestra without percussion, 1961
- Die Zukunft der Musik - Eine Kollektive Komposition, (“The future of music - a collective composition”), “musical provocation”, 1961
- Trois bagatelles for a pianist, 1961
- Fragment, chamber orchestra, 1964
- Volumina, organ, 1962-66
- Poème Symphonique for 100 metronomes, 1962
- Aventures, singer and 7 instruments, 1963
- Requiem, soprano and mezzo-soprano soloists, chorus and orchestra, 1963-5
- Nouvelles Aventures, 3 singers and 7 instruments, 1965
- Aventures and Nouvelles Aventures revised, 1966
- Lux aeterna, chorus, 1966
- Konzert für Violoncello und Orchester, cello and orchestra, 1966
- Lontano, orchestra, 1966
- Etude Nr. I: “Harmonies”, organ, 1967
- Continuum, cembalo, 1968
- Streichquartett Nr. 2, string quartet, 1968
- Zehn Stücke für Bläserquintett, 1968
- Ramifications, string orchestra, 1968-9
- Etude Nr. II: “Coulée”, organ, 1969
- Kammerkonzert für 13 Instrumentalisten, 1969-70
- Melodien, orchestra, 1971
- Double Concerto, 1972
- Clocks and Clouds, orchestra, 1973
- San Francisco Polyphony, orchestra, 1974
- Monument, Selbstporträt, Bewegung, two pianos, 1976
- Le grand macabre, opera, 1978
- Hungarian Rock, cembalo, 1978
- Passacaglia ungherese, cembalo, 1978
- Trio for violin, horn and piano, 1982
- Three Fantasies, 16 voices, 1983
- Two Hungarian Studies, chorus, 1983
- Etudes, piano, 1985
- Die grosse Schildkröten-Fanfare vom Südchinesischen Meer (“The Large Turtles - Fanfare from the South China Sea”), trumpet, 1985
- Piano Concerto, 1985-88
- Mysteries of the Macabre, coloratura soprano and ensemble, 1991
- Nonsense Madrigals, 6 men’s voices, 1988-98
- Violin Concerto, 1990-92
- Viola Sonata, 1991-94