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Brian's Class Materials- Fall 2010 - SEYS 753

SEATING PLAN (How to use tables)

Table 1 Brittany, Hema, Krista, Lisa
Table 2 Themistocles, Michael, Shamina, Agata
Table 3 Tai, Chester, Stavroula, Rhiannon
Table 4  Cassie, Sabah, Ting
Table 5 Empty table
Table 6 Empty table
Table 7 Empty table
Table 8 Empty table
Table 9 Empty table
Table 10 Empty table

Instructions on How to Use ScienceMOO

(Important note: to move back a room, you can always right click with your mouse, and then choose "back")

How to use ScienceMOO

   1.  ScienceMOO is a collaborative virtual learning environment . ScienceMOO is very similar to a chat program but it actually has many more features and educational tools that make it suited to teaching and learning online. ScienceMOO is located at
   2. Print out these directions before you use ScienceMOO for the first time
   3. Check your e-mail account (or you have been given your account information in class) . You should find an email with a subject "Your ScienceMOO character" This email will have your username and password for ScienceMOO. If you do have a problem connecting with this username, you can also connect to ScienceMOO as a guest. Guests do not need a password.
   4. Make sure that you read the MOOniversity LITE BEGINNER'S GUIDE TO MOOING
   5. Use your web browser to visit
   6. Enter your ScienceMOO User ID and Password and then click the Log In button.
   7. You may have to wait a minute or two while you are connected. If you have a problem, go to and try again. You can also send me email at If you still have a problem and can't connect with the User ID and Password, go again and Log In as a Guest (you don't need a password).  You could also try using a different web browser if you have problems.  ScienceMOO works well with the following web browsers:  Internet Explorer, Netscape, Firefox, Chrome, Mozilla, and Konqueror.
   8. Once you have logged in you should see the following:
         1. a row of purple buttons at the top of the page.
         2. a large window to the right (this is the WEB WINDOW). You can click on links or objects in this window.
         3. a large window to the left (this is the TEXT WINDOW) Here you will see the chat that is going on, and text descriptions of everything that is happening in ScienceMOO.
   9. Finally, you will see a small window at the bottom. (this is the INPUT WINDOW). This is where you type when you are chatting. Notice the three radio buttons on the right of the INPUT WINDOW. When the "say" radio button is checked you can type in chat. Everything you type is prefixed by thze word "say" and everyone else will see what you type. If you check the radio button next to "normal" you can type MOO commands, e.g. look me (this will tell you what you look like) or look here (you will see a decription of the room. ) You can also chat with the "normal" radio button checked, you just have to type the word "say" before everything. The other radio button "emote" allows you to enter body language, e.g. smiling, etc. Don't worry about emoting for this first lesson.
  10. Look in the WEB WINDOW on the right. You will see that you are in a room called the ENCORE STARTING POINT.   You can now click on links in the WEB WINDOW to move to different rooms, or to examine objects.

How to Use Tables In the Classroom in ScienceMOO

   1. Click on your Classroom.
   2. You have now entered a classroom. If you look at the decription of the classroom, you will see that there are tables in the room.
   3. Click the radio button next to "normal" in the lower left. Now type the command to sit at a table. For example, if you wanted to sit at table2, type
          * sit table2
   4. Now you are seated at a table. The reason we use tables in ScienceMOO is that it reduces the chaos when we are doing a small group discussion activity. The "normal" radio button is still checked. You can chat with everyone else at your table only while you are seated by typing the word 'say' followed by any text you want to type. You need to hit the enter key before others will see your chat. Remember: the word "say" always has to precede any text you type when you are chatting.
   5. If you want to speak to the instructor, or to the whole class you have two options: 1) You can use the 'speakup' command, i.e. type
          * speakup hey there everyone in the class, this is an announcement that everyone can see
   6. OR you can stand and then just type 'say' followed by your text, i.e.
         1. stand
         2. say hey there everyone in the class, this is an announcement that everyone can see
   7. Hopefully by now you are comfortable sitting and standing (make sure the 'normal' radio button is checked) and you know how to chat. You just have to make sure that the word 'say' is in front of everything. you can type in 'say' when the 'normal radio button is checked' or if you check the 'say' radio button, the word 'say' is automatically typed for you.