Direct Plagiarism: Example 2

Did you catch a second example of direct plagiarism in the text I just showed you? Here it is, again in red:

Student Writer's passage:

Long ago, when there was no written history, these islands were the home of millions of happy birds; the resort of a hundred times more millions of fishes, sea lions, and other creatures. Here lived innumerable creatures predestined from the creation of the world to lay up a store of wealth for the British farmer, and a store of quite another sort for an immaculate Republican government

Source passage, from A.J. Duffield The Prospects of Peru London: Newman, 1881, p. 78:

In ages which have no record these islands were the home of millions of happy birds, the resort of a hundred times more millions of fishes, sea lions, and other creatures whose names are not so common; the marine residence, in fact, of innumerable creatures predestined from the creation of the world to lay up a store of wealth for the British farmer, and a store of quite another sort for an immaculate Republican government.

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