Xiao Li

Associate Professor
Tel: 718-997-5583
Email: xiao dot li at qc dot cuny dot edu


I am a formal linguist. I am interested in learning the internal rules that hold cross-linguistically. I received my Ph.D. in linguistics from Rutgers University. My research interests lie in semantics and syntax-semantics interface. Specifically, I have worked on the semantics of degree constructions in Mandarin Chinese, Japanese, and Nuosu Yi. In addition, I am also interested in teaching Chinese as a foreign language.



Fall 2019

    Chinese 101: Elementary Chinese I
    Course Schedule

    Chinese 112: Elementary Chinese--For Heritage Learners
    Course Schedule

    Chinese 318: Introduction to Applied Chinese Linguistics
    Course Schedule

Previous Teaching

  1. Elementary Chinese 101
  2. Elementary Chinese 102
  3. Elementary Chinese 112 for Heritage Learners
  4. Intermediate Chinese 203
  5. Chinese 317: Introduction to Formal Chinese Linguistics
  6. Chinese 318: Introduction to Applied Chinese Lingusitics
  7. Semantics I (In the CUNY graduate center)


Under Review. (with Hongyong Liu). On the semantics of two types of adjectives in Nuosu Yi. [Manuscript]

2017. Subjectivity and Gradability: On the semantics of the possessive property concept construction in Mandarin Chinese. [CLS53 handout][Manuscript]

2016. (with Hongyong Liu). The evidenitality in Nuosu Yi. Language and Linguistics. [Link]

2015. The ingredients of comparison: the semantics of the excessive construction in Japanese. Semantics and Pragmatics Vol 8: 8. [Link]

2015. (with Carlos A. Fasola). The semantics of yue...yue in Mandarin Chinese: coerced gradability and the necessarily temporal reading. [CLS51 Proceeding Paper][Full Manuscript]

2014. (with Seunghun. J. Lee). The acquisition of comparative constructions by English learners of Chinese: An explorative study from a college Chinese language classroom. Chinese as a Second Language Research. Volume 3, Issue 1, Pages 53-78. [Link]

2013. Degreeless comparatives: the semantics of Differential Verbal Comparatives in Mandarin Chinese. Journal of Semantics. [Link]