MATH 143 Main Page

MATH 143: Calculus

Fall 2021

Description and goals:

This is the last part of the three-semester sequence 141-142-143 intended to introduce techniques of integration and basic theory of infinite sequences and series. The course is not proof-oriented but students are expected to gain a good understanding of the concepts of calculus and to be able to apply them in concrete problems.

Picture: Portrait of Isaac Newton. From Thomas Levenson's New Yorker article
The Truth About Isaac Newton’s Productive Plague.

Lecturer: Saeed Zakeri




Course Syllabus


  • 8/26: Welcome! I've created a Google Classroom page which will mostly serve as a place to share the links to my lecture recordings, PDFs of lecture notes, practice problems etc. You need your Queens College CAMS credentials to log in. The class code is

    (only students on my roster are permitted to use this code)

    Please join asap so you access the material as they become available. If you haven't used QC Google apps for education before, click on the following link for simple instructions:

    Activate Your QC Google Apps for Education Account

    Remember to log in with your QC credentials in order to be able to join with the above class code.

General Information and Ground Rules:

  • Virtual class lecture meetings are Tuesdays and Thursdays, 1:40 - 2:55 PM on Google Meet.
  • Homework is an absolutely essential part of this course. You cannot master the course material without solving many problems consistently throughout the semester. This course uses WebAssign, an online homework and test management system.
  • The exams schedules are as follows:

    Midterm 1Midterm 2Final
    Thursday October 7Thursday November 11Thursday December 16, 1:45-3:45pm
  • Course grade is based on the following scheme:

    AssignmentsTwo Midterms Final Exam
    30%20% each30%

Please take note of the following important rules:

  • The prerequisite for this course is MATH 142, and it is not open to students who have passed or are taking MATH 151. In the absence of this prerequisite, you should not be enrolled in this class. Please contact the Math Department office and seek advice.
  • If a midterm exam is missed because of a documented illness or valid emergency, the course grade will be determined on the basis of the other work done during the semester. Exams missed for other reasons will count as failures. In any case, there will be no make up exams.
  • At the end of the semester, everyone who has not withdrawn from the class will receive a grade. Incompletes will not be given to avoid F's.

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