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HEBRW 150: Modern Hebrew Literature in Translation

Sami S. Chetrit

(Submission #85)

Course Description

An Israeli literary journey through the land, the peoples, the cultures and the conflicts, as reflected in prose and poetry written since 1948 by a diversified gallery of writers of various ethnicities, religions and cultures.


Area of Knowledge and Inquiry: Reading Literature (RL)
Context of Experience: World Cultures (WC)
Extended Requirement: Not Applicable

Additional Course information

Credits: 3
Prerequisites: none
Existing Course: Existing
Existing Course Number: Hebrew 150
Course Anticipated to be offered: Every Semester
Other (if specified): 
Number of Sections: 1
Number of Seats: 30


[Justification, Materials, Assessment, Administration (DOC)]   [Syllabus/Syllabi (DOC)]  

START Conference Manager (V2.56.8 - Rev. 994)