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PSYCH 103: Pleasure and Pain

Richard Bodnar

(Submission #174)

Course Description

This course will introduce students to the psychological, philosophical, biological, neurochemical, sociological and evolutionary facts, principles, and theories underlying the concepts of Pleasure and Pain. This course is being co-taught and organized by the Provost (James Stellar) and Dean of Research and Graduate Studies (Richard Bodnar). The course format is designed so that there will be no pre-requisities for the course, and the topics will satisfactorily introduce the student to the material. Topics discussed include Pleasure and Pain as a Philosophical concept (hedonism theories of Jeremy Bentham taught by President James Muyskens), the sensory characteristics of pleasure and pain, the neurobiological systems controlling pleasure and pain, the pharmacological substrates of pleasure and pain, the pharmacology and neurobiology of pain inhibition, the pharmacology and neurobiology of addiction, the translational implications of pleasure and pain including psychopathological and neurological disorders and their treatment. The wider examination of pleasure and pain will be considered from anthropological (evolutionary), sociological and economic views, and may include our understanding of these principles from literary, media and other perspectives. Throughout the course, comparisons are made between classic and current theories and empirical data.


Area of Knowledge and Inquiry: Natural Science (NS)
Context of Experience: Not Applicable
Extended Requirement: Not Applicable

Additional Course information

Credits: 3
Prerequisites: None
Existing Course: New
Existing Course Number: 
Course Anticipated to be offered: Every Spring
Other (if specified): 
Number of Sections: 1
Number of Seats: 250


[Justification, Materials, Assessment, Administration (DOC)]   [Syllabus/Syllabi (DOC)]  

START Conference Manager (V2.56.8 - Rev. 1361)