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English 165, 165W: Introduction to Poetry

Thomas Frosch

(Submission #1)

Course Description

Close reading and critical analysis of a wide variety of poetry of various periods. This course combines the study of literature with continued training in clear and effective written expression.

Note: We are renumbering this course from 140W to 165W so that we can have all our PLAS courses together in the 160s and, since this course also functions as a gateway to the major, so that we can indicate to our majors that all courses 165 and above apply to the major. Our current system has caused some confusion among both nonmajors and majors, and the renumbering should eliminate that. We also are slightly modifying the course description of the current 140W, which specifies "a wide variety of English and American poetry.” In 165W we leave out "English and American” to give instructors freedom to use Anglophone global poems, which are becoming increasingly important in the field. The description also eliminates "Designed for prospective English majors.” The course has actually always been designed for both majors and nonmajors, and since this is a PLAS course, we do not want anything in the description that implies that nonmajors should keep out. Other than the renumbering and those two modifications in the description, the course is unchanged.


Area of Knowledge and Inquiry: Reading Literature (RL)
Context of Experience: Not Applicable
Extended Requirement: Not Applicable

Additional Course information

Credits: 3
Prerequisites: English 110
Existing Course: Existing
Existing Course Number: English 140W (LASAR Humanities I, Tier I)
Course Anticipated to be offered: Every Semester
Other (if specified): 
Number of Sections: 12
Number of Seats: 25


[Justification, Materials, Assessment, Administration (DOC)]   [Syllabus/Syllabi (DOC)]  

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