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Science Fun

Brian's Class Materials- FALL 2012 - SEYS 362

SEYS 362 Home

Queens College/CUNY
Education Unit
Fall 2012

Science Content Recommendations from NCATE and NSTA

Elementary - generalist Elementary - middle All Secondary Secondary - Biology Secondary - Chemistry Secondary - Earth, Space Secondary - Physics

C. Recommendations for Secondary Science Teachers

C.1. Recommendations for All Secondary Science Teachers

Secondary teachers are generally prepared with more depth in the content of a given field than are teachers of younger students. The major divisions of the natural sciences are biology, chemistry, the Earth and space sciences, and physics. All teachers licensed in a given discipline should know, understand, and teach with the breadth of understanding reflected in the core competencies for that discipline. Specialists in a discipline should also have achieved the advanced competencies for that discipline. All secondary teachers should also be prepared to lead students to understand the unifying concepts of science including:

  1. Multiple ways we organize our perceptions of the world and how systems organize the studies and knowledge of science.
  2. Nature of scientific evidence and the use of models for explanation.
  3. Measurement as a way of knowing and organizing observations of constancy and change.
  4. Evolution of natural systems and factors that result in evolution or equilibrium.
  5. Interrelationships of form, function, and behaviors in living and nonliving systems.