          Boobies from the Galapagos


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Science Fun

FALL 2012 - SEYS 362

Assignment 2

Assignment 2 – Minilesson 2 - Group Microteaching plus lesson plan

Due Date - Week 4 - 9/20/2012

Possible Points - 10

How to Submit -
  • Use a word processor to type your review.  Make sure to save frequently and to always back up your work in different locations.  Always make sure that your name, the date, the assignment number and course number are at the top of the page on your assignment.  
  • Copy and paste the text of your review into a message on the discussion board in BlackBoard.  This is what will be graded.  
  • After you have posted on the discussion board, submit backup copies in the following ways:
    • Copy and paste the text of your assignment into a Google document and share it with
    • Upload your Word document or equivalent using the Assignments link in BlackBoard.  Please do not submit pdf files.  
  • Keep electronic and paper copies for your records.

Instructions for Assignment 1
  1. This is an group assignment. Each group can consist of 2 to 4 people.   A single lesson plan can be submitted for the group.  
  2. Click here for the lesson plan format you should use.
  3. Candidates are required to design and teach a microlesson that employs diverse methods to teach students with different learning styles and ability levels. The assignment addresses making science relevant, the use of processes of inquiry, and at least 2 examples taken from Science Content Standard 1 (NSES). They must refer to NYS core curriculum guidelines or NYC Performance Standards (high school)  (middle school) for Science, calibrated to Project 2061 (Benchmarks) and NSES Standards. Candidates must obtain a passing grade on this minilesson to proceed to student teaching.  
  4. Click here for more information on microteaching
Scoring Guidelines

Minilesson teaching criteria

1.  Goal or aim is clearly stated (1 point)
2.  Science content is accurate. (1 point)
3.  Science content is related to one of the unifying themes.  (1 point)
4.  A purposeful sequence of content that leads to the lesson's goal is demonstrated. (1 point)
5.  Key questions are used to promote critical and reflective thinking.  Wait time is used.  (1 point)
6.  Differentiated instruction is used to address diverse student needs, e.g. visual demonstrations, role-playing, team competitions, different learning modalities.  (1 point)
7.  One or more student-centered activities are included (1 point)
8.  Lesson is paced to an appropriate length (1 point)
9.  A strategy to assess objectives is exhibited (1 point)
10.  A formal, written lesson plan with appropriate elements is included. (1 point)
11.  Effective communication skills are used.  Correct syntax and grammar, speech is loud and clear and slow enough to be understood.  (2 points)
12.  Legible and clear board work, overhead use and other notes (1 point)
13.  Desirable teaching dispositions are exhibited:  Listening, attending, addressing and answering appropriately to student behaviors. (2)

15 points total for teaching of lesson

Lesson plan scoring guidelines:

Topic: (1 point)

Grade level/s: (1 point)

Science or Math background material for the teacher: (1 point)

Instructional Objectives: (1 point)

National Science Education Standards met by this lesson: (1 point)

Materials: (1 point)

Safety precautions (if necessary)


  1. motivation:  (1 point)
  2. advance organizer (if appropriate) 
  3. Describe your procedure step by step (1 point)
  4. Include discussion questions and possible answers at appropriate points in the lesson plan. (1 point)
  5. Closure  (1 point)

Adapatations for students with disabilities: (1 point)

Multicultural Connections: (1 point)

Possible ways technology might be incorporated: (1 point)

Assessment (How would you assess whether the students have accomplished the objectives?) (1 point)

Extension activities: (1 point)

15 points total for this assignment