Welcome to Math 250, Mathematical Computing, this Fall 2020!
Course Information
- Course Syllabus
- Read Letters from past students
- Course Calendar
- Course Content, including a list of topics covered, in-class tutorials, and homework assignments.
- Information about the Course Projects.
- Mathematica Online
- Our Discussion Board on Campuswire.
Key Dates: (subject to change)
- First Day of Class: Wednesday, August 26
- Project 1 Due: Wednesday, September 23
- Project 2 Prototype Due: Wednesday, October 23
- Project 2 Due: Wednesday, November 18
- Project 3 Due: Monday, December 7
- Project 3 Presentations: Monday, December 7 and Wednesday, December 9
- Last Day of Class: Wednesday, December 9
- Art Exhibit Opening: Time and place to be determined.
Office hours:
Office hours is the time that instructors set aside outside of class time for students to come and ask questions. I am happy to help you with your homework, project, and other class-related questions or concerns. In this online format, office hours will be made by scheduling a meeting through Calendly, on Tuesday afternoons and Friday mornings. The exact hours are also posted on my schedule. If those times don't work for you, send me an email or DM and we'll set up a time that works for you.
Inspiring links:
- Wolfram Demonstrations Project — Browse to see what Mathematica can do.
- Wolfram Blog: Using Mathematica to solve real-world problems.
- Amazing Curated FAQ about Mathematica on StackExchange
- Mathematical Animations by Clayton Shonkwiler, including his Mathematica source code
- Mathematical Animations by Matt Henderson, including his Mathematica source code
- Past columns by Donald Piele
- An introduction to and bibliography about combinatorial games
- Project Euler, a list of math problems hard to solve without a computer.
Additional online resources from Wolfram:
- Wolfram's fast introduction for programmers
- Mathematica screencasts
- Mathematica courses
- Interactive course: An Elementary Introduction to the Wolfram Language
Books about Mathematica:
- Computational Recreations in Mathematica by Ilan Vardi — A moderate-to-advanced resource with topics similar to those in this class.
- Mathematica in Action by Stan Wagon — A beginning-to-moderate introductory resource with additional topics you might decide to investigate.
- An Introduction to Programming with Mathematica by Paul Wellin, Richard Gaylord, and Samuel Kamin — A moderate introduction to programming in Mathematica.
- The Student's Introduction to MATHEMATICA by Bruce F. Torrence and Eve A. Torrence — Introduction to and examples of Mathematica in Calculus, Precalculus, and Linear Algebra.
- Computational discrete mathematics : combinatorics and graph theory with Mathematica by Sriram Pemmaraju and Steven Skiena — A guide for using Mathematica to do combinatorics and graph theory.
- Schaum's Outline of Mathematica by Eugene Don — A beginner's introduction to using Mathematica for calculations.
- Mathematica by Exampleby Martha L. Abell and James P. Braselton — A book guiding you through learning Mathematica by example.
- Mathematica Navigator: Mathematics, Statistics and Graphics by Heikki Ruskeepaa — An introductory-to-moderate general resource, mostly for calculations.
- Advanced examples of what Mathematica can do
- Mathematica for Scientists and Engineers by Thomas B. Bahder — An advanced resource to understand how to use Mathematica to solve research problems.