The poster sessions at this year’s conference, and their accompanying receptions, will be held on Thursday, March 21 and Friday, March 22, from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m., immediately following the last paper presentation on each of those days.  We plan to use the “Dining Commons” space on the 8th floor of CUNY Graduate Center.  Authors are urged to set up their posters immediately after the poster session starts.  (We will store your poster during the day, if you wish.)  If you are an author or co-author or more than one poster, please make sure that there will be at least one presenter at each poster during the entire session.
  • We will provide an easel and poster board with dimensions 30” by 40” (A0, roughly).  The board can be positioned either vertically or horizontally on the easel, as you choose; only one side of the board can be used for displaying the poster.  We will also provide thumbtacks (no tape, please).  There will be a table and a chair close to each easel.  Please let us know if your poster needs to be located near an electrical outlet, say for a computer-based demonstration. (You must provide your own computer.)  We will try to accommodate your request --- but note, the number of outlets is limited.

  • Your poster should include the title and name(s) and affiliation(s) of the author(s), and a short abstract.  Use a font for the title large enough to be read from a distance of 12 feet (~4 meters); the rest of the poster should be readable from a distance of 6 feet (~2 meters).  In the case of posters reporting experiments, it is advisable to include example sentences or other materials and a brief description of your methods, as well as your findings and conclusions. 

  • Note that you will have no access to the Dining Commons space until the session starts.  It is therefore wise to prepare your poster in a way that allows it to be promptly positioned on the easel.  The poster must be removed at the close of the session.

  • You may wish to bring a handout describing your work.  This practice is useful in light of the large number of posters that are scheduled for each session.  We regret that CUNY Graduate Center is unable to provide photocopy services; however, there are copy shops in the neighborhood.


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Address for CUNY 2003 correspondence:

Page updated 08/19/02 .  Please contact us if you experience technical problems with these web pages.