Honors Calculus I (Math 157)



Math 157 is an honors course in Calculus. The course will cover a substantial amount of technique, but the emphasis will be on theory. Except for some knowledge about elementary algebra, there are no formal prerequisites. Material required for a rigorous study of calculus, such as set theory, logic, real numbers, mathematical induction, etc... will be covered as necessary. The course will begin with the theory of the integral and continue to cover both integral and differential calculus.

Practical information

The class is scheduled to meet in Kiely 065 from 4:00pm - 5:40pm on Tuesday and Thursday.

Contact info:

Questions about the course should be posted on the discussion forum hosted on Piazza. You will need to get an account and signup http://piazza.com/qc.cuny.edu/fall2013/math157 in order to post to the forum.


The main reference supplementing the lectures is Calculus, Vol. 1: One-Variable Calculus, with an Introduction to Linear Algebra by Tom M. Apostol. Second Ed. Published by Wiley. 1991.

Course Grades

Course grades will be determined as follows:


The in-class exams are scheduled for the following days:

Also, be aware of the registrar's list of important dates. In particular, there are no classes on Thursday September 5, Tuesday October 15, or Thursday November 28.