Recent Developments in Macroeconomics
New York, March 4th 2005

The Book
Recent Developments in Macroeconomics - Paper Submissions

The title of the book may change.  We will apply to have the book published by Routledge who published the previous conference papers - The Means to Prosperity: Fiscal Policy Reconsidered.

An outline of the proposed table contents is available. Please submit an abstract of your paper by February <date>. We will also post the your working paper as a PDF when it is available. Please send updates of the abstract or working papers to Leanne Ussher.


In order to streamline and speed up the book production process, we would appreciate if contributors could adhere to some general formatting guidelines. The easiest way to do so is probably to follow an example paper from the previous publication provided as a zipped file of the Word documents and Excel files:
- click to download example paper presentation.

Below are some brief general points to keep in mind.

- Submit manuscripts in Microsoft Word file format.

- Do not number the sections and subsections of your paper.

- Tables and figures must be in Microsoft Word or Excel format – and editable. Make sure to include data for Excel diagrams.

- Number tables and figures consecutively and put them in separate file(s). Mark in text where to place table/figure:

<Table/figure ## about here>

- Number equations consecutively:

(1)   y = a + bx + cx2

- Use the Equation Editor when necessary, but not otherwise. Italicize variables.

- When inserting Greek letters or other symbols into the text or equations, use the “Insert symbol” command (which uses normal font) instead of changing the font type.

- References list: see the example paper.



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