Before making a decision to change your course of study, transfer to another institution, travel outside the United States, or accept employment, you should seek advice from the foreign-student adviser.
Ultimately, it is your responsibility to know and comply with all immigration regulations which apply to you as a foreign student. The Office of International Student Services has the responsibility for advising and counseling you regarding your responsibilities. Some important issues are covered below to help you:

"Employment" is any type of work performed or services provided in exchange for money, tuition, fees, book, supplies, room, food or any other benefit. If you receive no pay or other benefit for work performed, this activity is not defined as "employment" but is considered to be "volunteer work".

Working without authorization is a serious immigration violation. INS regulations provide the F-1 student with a variety of employment possibilities. It is important and beneficial for the F-1 student to know in advance the different ways that he or she can legally work.

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