- "Life history trade-offs with skeletal health among Indigenous Shuar of Amazonian Ecuador." Research Highlight - NYCEP (May 2015).
- "Engaging Shuar Communities through Collaborative Health Education: Enhancing Participant Agency in Indigenous Health Research". Wenner-Gren Blog written by Madimenos about her summer 2013 field research which was funded by the Engaged Anthropology Grant.
- Scientific American Blog. November 16. 2012. "Bone Mineral Density Status: It's Complicated". Madimenos' research was profiled on the Scientific American blog written by Dr. Kate Clancy. It provides a nice summary of the article and also describes the Shuar project as “well known within anthropology for its rigorous methodology and outreach with local participants. It’s also an interdisciplinary site that seems to be great for tackling both biological and cultural anthropology questions.”
- Science Mag.Org. May 31, 2012. "'Silent' Disease May Be Disease of the Affluent". Collaborations with Dr. Thomas McDade (Northwestern University) were the subject of a news piece in Science. These results have important implications for research on inflammation and diseases of aging globally, as well as for scientific understandings of the regulation of inflammation.