Requirements for the M.F.A.
1. Completion of 54 credits consisting of
the following:
a. Two courses in the history of art. (See Graduate Art History Electives.)
b. Art 724, Contemporary Issues in the Visual Arts.
c. Three seminar courses (a total of 9 credits), each with a different topic, must be taken under Art 730 and/or 73 1.
d. Two elective courses to be selected with departmental approval from Art 725. 726, 727. 1, 727.2, 728.
e. Advanced Problems in Drawing (Art 735) must be taken twice for a total of 6 credits.
f. The remaining 24 credits will be taken in the Student's area of concentration:
For Painting or Mixed Media Concentration:
Art 721.1, 721.2, 721.3, 721.4
For Sculpture or Installation Concentration:
Art 722.1, 722.2, 722.3, 722.4
Student work in the specialized area shall be reviewed and graded by the Departmental M.F.A. Committee each semester. This Committee shall be authorized to approve or reject a student for continuation in the program, to place a student
on probation, and to approve a student for
the M.F.A. degree.
2. A grade index of 3.0 shall be maintained.
3. Participation in the program is full-time except as approved by the M.F.A. Full-time program completion is two years.
4. Students will do all of their creative work on campus except by permission of the Committee. |